Ain't No Angel

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I heard the satisfying crunch as my fist collided with the lack wits nose. He screamed, a pretty pathetic sound for someone in his line of work. What good was a collector if he couldn't take a punch?

Grabbing the man by the collar, I hauled him to his feet. He gasped at the intense look in my eyes. Good. He knew I meant business. Now I could get to the point.

“ Where is she?” I snarled, getting right in his bloody face.

His eyes widened as he shook his head. I slammed his against a handy wall nearby. “Where?!”

Whimpering, he whispered, “ Lost. The little harlot ran off when we tried to transfer her.”

Tremors of rage swept through me. Unable to control myself any more, I flung the waste of space across the alley. His sweat and blood stained silk suit was ripped in various places, courtesy of my not too gentle handling. I watched him cower in the corner and was disgusted. This was the man that had ruined not only my life, but the lives of countless others?

I stalked over to him, towering, “Do you know why I'm doing this?”

He blinked up at me, “ Because you have no respect for your betters?” he had the guts to say.

I smiled dangerously, “ No, nimrod. I'm doing it because you ruined my life. You and your demented organization. They ruin lives for a living. So I'm reversing the process. I'm helping countless lives with your death.” I crouched next to him, “ It's going to make me feel so much better. But you know what? I still haven't decided how to kill you. Should I slow roast you, like the pig you are? Or should I flash burn you, which will make me feel just as good, but it'll hurt a heck of a lot less. And you get to choose.”

The scum of the earth looked up at me, “I want to live.”

“ You gave up that option the moment you took her. Now the only way your getting off easy is if you tell me where she took off from”

He looked torn. I lowered my self again and touched his leg. “ Let me give you a taste of your future if you don't comply.”

I felt deep inside me for the source, the blazing fire within me. I let it seep into my fingers and through the man's leg. The screaming began. I pulled back after a moment.

“ Decided?”

He nodded vigorously, an agonized look on his face.

“And your decision? “

“ Please, do it fast!”

I nodded and stood. I walked to the mouth of the alley. Pulling to a stop, I turned around. I felt my eyes glaze over. My anger was boiling over again.

“ She left at a place near Louisiana. We have a trading center around there.” The man said quickly.

“ Thank you.” I began walking away again, but paused. “ You know what? I changed my mind. I choose.”

Without another word, I raised my hand and sent a wave of blue flame at the sorry excuse for a human being.

“ This is going to be agonizing.”

“ No, I don't want to die!” He cried before it hit him.

I watched the flame consume his. I turned my back and whispered, “ You should have thought about that before you took my sister.”

I sat on the near empty bus, tapping my thumb on my thigh in irritation. How long was this going to take? I needed to find Lacey now! I felt my torso heating up. Worried about making a scene, I tried to calm down by thinking about my surroundings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2013 ⏰

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