Chapter 1-4

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Chapter 1

Furious, the girl slammed the door and collapsed to the floor sobbing and drowning herself in tears. All she wanted was to curl up in a ball of misery but she couldn't find the strength to move. She replayed the events like a broken record and wondered what her grandparents had done to her father many years ago that he was so traumatized to break his calm and cool demeanour. She felt herself panic and picked herself up and stumbled to a well polished and high quality looking closet. There she rummaged around its contents until she found her second dad's silky smooth cloak and clutched it tightly to her chest.

A second later her second father walked in looking concerned and sat down, crossing his legs, next to her. They sat there in silence, each in their own world until it was broken by a heavy sigh.

The girl looked up expectantly at her dad and frowned.

'Selene look ,' he said with a dejected tone, 'Your father he...'

Selene quickly stood up straight and interrupted. 'It's ok dad you don't have to tell me.' She declared taking pleasure in the slightly shocked face her father was making at her maturity. 'I get it. If dad isn't ready to discuss it with me then I'll wait.'

He nodded slightly and stood up, gently ruining the stylish hair which had taken an hour to tame the morning before her father's outburst. 'You're a good girl, 'he said and smiled at his 8 year old daughter before he left to check on his husband.

Selene then attempted to put back the cloak when she felt a weird tugging sensation. She spun around to come face to face to a portal. She stared at it in bewilderment at the ever-growing space.

'Dad' she said shakily hoping that he was nearby. 'Dad' she repeated more loudly as she felt herself pulled into it. Resistance was futile as her fingers, hand then an arm was sucked in. Terrified Selene called out for her dad one last time before she was fully swallowed by the darkness.

Chapter 2

Harry Potter woke up that morning with the feeling that today was going to be eventful. However much to his dismay he had no idea whether this day would bring chaos or order to the wizarding world. He was sick and tired of being in the spotlight, of being continuously chased by Lord Voldemort and his death eaters.

With a heavy sigh he sat up to face the day.

He hurriedly got dressed and attempted to tame his messy hair before he and Ron went down to the common room. There they met up with Hermione and walked down to the dining hall for breakfast.

* * *

So far Draco Malfoy was in a bad mood. He had Pansy to thank for that. She wouldn't stop blabbering on and on about her summer designer clothes and whining that she wouldn't get the opportunity to show them off as winter was steadily approaching.

He was partially thankful though, although he would never admit it, as it distracted him from the disturbing dreams he had last night of him and Potter making out.

He glanced up from his untouched avocado on toast to see the arrival of the golden trio entering and settling down in the middle of the Gryffindor table. To his horror he realized that he was checking Potter out. In an instant their eyes met and time seemed to stop for the two boys. Malfoy couldn't even describe the feeling that overwhelmed him at that moment.

Chapter 3

The pressure and temperature dropped unnaturally low as the air started sizzling with electricity. Unknown to many a portal opened in the forbidden section of the Hogwarts library. Selene fell through with a yelp and landed hard on her back.

'Ow!' She whined in pain and sat up dizzily. Carefully she took stock of her surroundings.

Books littered the floor and a thin layer of dust was laid like a carpet. Most radiated energy and others trashed about in chains and under lock and key. The wooden shelves were run down and in the corners an infestation of mould marked its territory. Spiders roamed freely and cobwebs covered everything. She was thankful that she got her bravery from her second father and stood up to dust herself off. She vaguely remembered her Uncle Ron's fear of spiders and smiled to herself. If he was in her situation he would have freaked out and fainted.

Suddenly the scar on her forehead, in the shape of a lightning bolt, burned ferociously. For a moment she shared her vision with someone who felt quite familiar to her. She collapsed to one knee and gritted her teeth. When she was younger she had been kidnapped and her second father had shared a vision with her. Still a kid and with undeveloped magic the pain caused by her lightning scar had been excruciating. Now was no different. For a second she glimpsed a hall full of people before she passed out.

* * *

In the great Hall Dumbledore was giving a long speech about the upcoming year. Without warning, both Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy stood up as if struck by lightning. Shocked silence vibrated through the hall.

'What is it boys?' Dumbledore questioned the two boys who stood still as statues, an expression of confusion plastered on their faces.

'Nothing Professor.' Harry said as if in a trance.

Dumbledore then turned to Draco.' What about you Mr Malfoy?' Before Draco could answer Harry yelped in pain. All eyes turned to the boy who was clutching his forehead with an expression of pain.

Potter held his breath as images flashed before his mind. His first thought was that Lord Voldemort was trying to get into his head. However this feeling he felt had no malice. He saw the forbidden Corner of Hogwarts library as it sank lower and then faded into blackness.

He let out a breath as the pain subsided and looked up to meet his friends worried expressions. A feeling of protectiveness washed over him.

Suddenly he had an urge to take Malfoy by the hand and sprint to the library. Instead he met Malfoys gaze who seemed to understand what Harry was feeling. Without a word the two boys got up and left the Great Hall in pursuit for the library.

Ron tried to follow but Hermione locked his wrist in a vice-like grip and pulled him down as she shook her head slightly.

Chapter 4

No word was spoken as the two boys navigated Hogwarts halls and burst through the library where they stopped to catch their breath.

'What...'Draco panted'... was that?' He finished.

' I don't know but whatever it is, it's no coincidence we both felt it.' Harry stated.

'Figure that one out all by yourself?' Draco rolled his eyes sarcastically .'So what's up with your scar?' He questioned.

Harry couldn't be sure but he felt a glimmer of concern in Malfoys voice.' Well...'Harry began. Usually it's Lord Voldemort trying to set up a trap for me, but it felt so different this time.'


'Different. I felt like whoever it was sending me these visions is dear to me and that i should protect them with my entire being'

'Dramatic much, but I know what you mean.' An awkward silence settled between the two boys.

'My...Uh visions showed me the forbidden section of Hogwarts library.' Harry broke the silence unsure of what to do next.

'So, you're familiar with the dark arts aye Potter.' Draco chuckled to himself.' What would the others think when they hear saint Potter isn't a saint after all.'

'Shut up Malfoy.' Harry retorted. After a second of silence the boys started giggling uncontrollably.

'Truce.' Draco looked at Harry questioningly trying to wipe off the tears that had formed up around his eyes.' Only until we figure out what's going on, then we can go back to hating each other.' Harry extended a hand.

'Truce.' Malfoy nodded in agreement.

The librarian gave them odd looks as they ventured into the restricted section of the library together.

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