timeless love

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I wake up and i think of you, i think of the way your silky black hair fall down your shoulders like a black hole in the shape of a beautiful river, the way your big bronze eyes look so deep and endless, the way your smile is able to hide the pain you carry and still give strength to others.

Seamlessly i float through the abyss that is your beauty, the warmth that is your weary yet loving heart, the light that is your soul. I slip into a realm so pure it could only be a dream, within which my hand is in yours and our hearts dance in harmony. I dream of taking your hand and sliding a ring on it, seeing you cry tears of joy...and there you are, walking down the isle, with a beauty so angelic you almost float above the rest. Tears uncontrollably stream down my face as this angel steps into my presence with only two words in grasp..."i do". I find myself in bed, you beside me with a book in your hand, a book in mine and a peace unfathomable. Your presence alone flooding my heart with joy. I gaze upon your hands, kind and soft...your nails plain, unexplainably attractive, pure. Now im in the kitchen, i hear the voice of an angel, singing so sweet, so soft a tune, like a remedy for the soul and heart, pleasntly carrying my head onto your lap where i doze futher into the deep. Suddenly woken by the driving force of my love, i find my hand empty and my heart cold...with a watery vision i travel through the day...with the hope that in my dreams again ill find the angel that is you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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