Snow Shoveling Snowdown

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Prompt #2 (March 1, 2015) You're outside shoveling your own driveway when you decide, as a kind gesture, to shovel your neighbor's driveway too. Just then a group of teenagers with shovels show up and threaten you, claiming that this is "their turf." What do you do?

My breath is haggard as I look at my driveway; I just finished shoveling after the blizzard yesterday. Shoveling 2 feet (24 inches) of snow isn't as easy as it seems. I look at the Robinson's driveway, the got the worst of the storm. I could just imagine the old couple staring at their driveway in despair.

I decided I was going to be nice, and shovel their driveway too. I looked at my shovel, took a deep breath, and began my kind act of citizenship. I was about halfway through my service when I heard unruly yelling.

"Get off our yard!" they shouted. I turned around and I saw three disheveled teenage boys. Their outfit consisted of baggy sweatpants and stained hoodies. The wind blew their disgustingly long blonde hair in every direction possible against their pale skin. Their bushy eyebrows were up in furrows and their cold blue eyes stared at me in anger. They walked closer to me.

"This isn't your yard, it's the Robinson's," I proclaimed. "We are the Robinson's," one boy announced. The other boys looked at him and sighed, some of them shook their head. "We're the Robinson's grandkids, and we're visiting for Winter Break. The question is, why is some creepy old guy shoveling our yard?" another one fumed. "I try to do something nice and look where it got me," I mumbled. "Did you just threaten us?" the last one assumed.

"He just threatened us!"

"I think he said something about killing us!"

"Oh my gosh!"

It was like a chorus of squeaky voices. I stayed still as they made more assumptions, and then I heard "Let's get him!"

Terror filled my body as they started running towards me. I didn't know how strong these boys were and if I hit them, I could be arrested. I braced myself for the hard impact that was about to rush through my body. They tackled me, and the collision felt like 1000 elephants. They were about to start punching when we all heard the door creaking.

"Richard, Henry, John! Get off Alex!" Mr. and Mrs. Robinson ordered. The reckless boys immediately got off me, and brushed off their clothing. "How dare you treat this Alex like rubbish! As punishment, you will shovel his driveway for the whole winter break, and if it isn't snowing you will do anything he asks you to do." Mrs. Robinson declared. The boys nodded and walked slowly into the beautiful house. Mr. Robinson gave me twenty dollars for attempting to shovel his driveway in the torturous weather. I put the bill into my pocket and started walking towards my house, as he caught up with Mrs. Robinson.

I smiled to myself and mouthed 'Thank You' to Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. This was going to be a great winter break.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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