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"God, I need a break", I opened the door and got inside the hotel room.

"What you said"? he holds the door for two seconds and shut it hard.

"I said I need a break Harreh", I looked straight at him while saying.

"Oh great, okay cool, go run away, have your bReAk, or whatever", he mocked me.

I ignored what he said, I rolled my eyes and stormed to grab my cigarette.

"Right Zayn that's what you do huh, always try to run away whenever I'm trying to talk to you".

"What the fuck you wanna talk huh", I smoked away, I sighed, I was longing for a single drag since the morning. He coughed a little bit, I felt guilty. I got away from him.

"Listen Harreh, we both are tired right now, so it would be better for us not to have a conversation just for right now okay", I smoked another drag.

"Okay, you smoke, get high, do whatever the fuck you want instead of talking to me. You know you'd rather do that than talk to me. Your fucking escape".

I was going to take another drag but I put my hand down, he had pulled the nerve.
I looked back at him, he was brushing his hair with his hands.

"And what you'll do huh, would fucking get drunk in a bar, in fact, would even pour your heart out to a fucking stranger huh".

I huffed in a go, I knew what I said and I didn't regret it.

"Huh, right, well apparently I don't have much control over my emotions like you. For you what you speak is even calculated right, oops I might not spill much, I'd rather be tongue-tied and not utter a word".

He was trying to pull my triggers, but he wasn't successful in that. I looked at him, smirked, took another drag, felt the burn inside me, and smoked it out, uhh only this shit gives me a break.

"Are youh done, cause I'm not saying things, I'm tired for real"?

I rolled my eyes, hoping he'd quieten down now and would avoid this heated, pointless conversation. I sat on the couch, the grey color of its kinda calmed my mood. "Ahhh" i moaned, my legs were hurting for so long. I stretched a bit, widened my legs. 

"Oh okay, then what are you doing here"? He was still standing and looking at all of my actions.

"What youh mean"?

"I meant, why you in this room, shouldn't be you in your gf room and banging her".

I closed my eyes, why the fuck he's so adamant to have this conversation right now. I was done ignoring his needle stabbing words on me.

"Oh yeah, then I should ask the same, what the fuck you are doing here when you should be with your another gf, or a PR or a casual friend, whatever she's to you".

"Seriously you gonna compare Taylor to Perrie, like for real"!! He was tightening his hair.

"Btw you also know what is she to me so please, you don't bring her in between, we are nothing, and YOU KNOW THAT".

"Well you started", I shrugged,

"Wtf, are you gonna turn this on me huh, oh okay, cool". He took a pause and looked at the door, then looked at me,

"Well, I'm not fucking marrying her like you".

I was pissed now, what the fuck he talking bout, I was even tired to look at him.

"The fuck harreh, what this marriage nonsense huh, what the fuck youh bout". I was just tired of everything right now.

"Oh right, as if you don't know, there are fucking rumors zayn, all over the industry that you.... Gonna propose to her".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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