Chapter 1

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I hear the my phone ring "DROP THOSE TITTIES ON THE FLOOR!" in my back pocket and immediately wake up. I sit up and pull my phone out of my pocket. I answer it and place the speaker up to my ear.

Phone Person: "Hello?"

Me: "Hi"

"Is this Zac Padilla?"

"Yeah, What do you want?"

"Im sorry to say this, but, your mother Emory has just passed away."

"What, how, what happened? This cant be happening. She was perfectly healthy, she couldn't have just died!"

"She was texting and driving and plowed head first into a propane truck. It killed 11 people, including your mother and the driver of the truck"

"Why, why was she texting her stupid effing boyfriend while driving!? *quiet sobbing*"

"How did you know she was texting her boyfriend?"

"Because he is the only person on her contacts!"


"Ok, OK!? MY MOTHER JUST DIED AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS OKAY?!?! Atleast tell me were i will be staying till i turn eighteen!"

"As you wish, because you have no other family members in your area, you will have to fly to Utah and you will be living with your uncle Jerry Thompson."

"Who the hell is Jerry Thompson?"

"He is your mothers distant step brother and he is the last person on earth that is related to you."

"Okay, bu bye now"

I hang up the phone and yell into my pillow. I stand up and scream at the top of my lungs "FUCK LIFE!"

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