Watching like Doctor T. J. Eckleburg

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The sickly smell of sweat and alcohol permeated my senses. Hot, wet bodies surrounded me. I was at the mercy of the bass, that trembled through my chest. I was being swallowed by the mass, all jumping in line with the beat. Lights flickered around the room, like a psychedelic trip, colours, red, blue, purple, all blending into each other. Dancing felt like a trance, I rolled my head back to look at the black ceiling, my hair falling down my back, slicked with sweat, it stuck to my exposed skin. I closed my eyes and rocked my hips from side to side, the DJ was slowing down his set, a slow beat, with a strong reverb, deafened the room. I enjoyed music like this, it made me feel like I was at the centre of the universe. My hands travelled up my chest, pulling my hair up cool air hit the back of my neck. I sighed in relief. I could feel someone looking at me, the feeling pulled me out of my trance. The feeling was odd, I wasn't unaccustomed to people watching me at the club. This felt different, more intense. I opened my eyes, glancing around. Everyone around me was too entranced to even notice me. I slight pout formed on my lips, as I shook off the haziness of the dancefloor. I started to make my way to the bar for water. A pink-haired, tattooed bartender stood behind the bar; she was wearing a pink crop top that matched her hair. I had seen her before here, I believe her name was Stace. Without asking she started to pour me a glass of ice water. She knew I never came here to drink, just dance. I mouthed my thank you to her and she let out a dazzling smile. She was beautiful, tattoos wrapped down her arms, when she turned around you could see her back was artistically covered by beautiful ink. I frowned; I needed a tattoo. I brought the glass to my lips, icy water filled my mouth, I hadn't realised how thirsty I really was. I finished the drink in two mouthfuls. Slamming the glass down on the bar gasping. I looked at my watch that read 2.05 am. Shit, I have class tomorrow. I searched my little bag I had hung around my body for my phone. I needed to get a hold of Rachel, we needed to leave. I only hoped that she was not caught up with some guy. I quickly sent her a text, telling her we need to leave, and I am by Stace's bar. When I hit the send button, I was struck by that feeling again. I was being watched. I looked around the room. Nobody was looking at me. Sighing in frustration, I turned my energy to scanning for Rachel's face. It wouldn't be hard, she's built like a giant, and she's wearing high heels. I was looking at the dancefloor when I saw him. His eyes were piercing. He stood out like a statue, standing in the middle of the dancefloor, staring straight at me. There was a girl in front of him, grinding her backside up against him, but he remained completely still, ignoring her. I couldn't see him well enough in the dark club, just his bright green eyes that almost glowed in the darkness. I felt like a deer in the headlights, frozen, holding his gaze.

"Gabby, there you are" a high-pitched voice broke me out of my trance with green eyes. I looked over to the distraction, it was Rachel. I sighed in relief; she had found me. I reached out and grabbed her outreached hands.

"Hey, you ready to head home?" I asked, hoping that she didn't have someone in tow. I didn't exactly feel like listening to her having sex for the rest of the night.

"Yes, let's get out of here" she nodded, she started to walk to the exit. I quickly glanced back at the dance floor, but green eyes was nowhere to be seen. Pouting, I followed Rachel out of the club. Frigid air hit my body as we stepped outside. I closed my eyes and revered the coolness.

"Shit, I'm hungry," Rachel mumbled to herself. I looked over at her, this woman was always hungry, and she ate like a horse. Even though she didn't look like she did. She stood just below 6 feet without heels and was a thin as a twig. Her curly red hair whipped around in the wind. She was gorgeous, like a model. She had pale skin that seemed to still glow, her petite face was covered in freckles, she was so lucky. Her Scottish heritage was strong, and it was blatantly obvious to anyone looking at her.

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