We Are Back

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"Mum! I'm home" Jenna, a 15-year-old girl with auburn hair and unique greenish-blue eyes, yelled in a singsong voice as she entered her house. She had gone for a party to her friend's house.

"Do you know what time it is?" her mom, Julia, asked clearly angry at Jenna's late arrival.

"I know, mom. I'm just an hour late than the chosen time. Alright!" Jenna sighed tiredly. Not this again

"Jenna, you realize that an hour is big amount of time, right?  Do you even remember that your father and I have to go an importantparty tonight?" Julia asked through gritted teeth trying to hold her anger in and emphasising the words 'an hour' to show her point.

"Yes mom, I do. I'm sorry! Can I go to sleep now?" Jenna sighed once again but this one was an angry sigh.

"You say that every time. Are you ever going to listen to me?" Julia asked tired at Jenna's stubbornness. "Anyway, go to sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow morning."

Jenna nodded at her mother and then went to her room to change. She changed into her lavender coloured night suit. Like every day, she went to her desk ,right in front of the window, to write in her diary which she maintained from the day she was 10 years old. She put on her headphones to listen to some real good playlist and started writing. She wrote about her mother and about her party and about almost anything and everything that happened that day. She even wrote about the news of the earth getting destroyed, according to the news, because of some asteroid. While she was writing, she noticed a weird spaceship in the sky out of her window. But it disappeared as soon as it appeared. She dismissed it as a sign of her tiredness and sleepiness.

"I should stop watching the news with mum and dad." Jenna wondered aloud as she swept into her cosy mattress and comforter while simultaneously switching of the light.


That night Jenna woke up to the sound of heavy footsteps like that of some giant. She sat up straight on her bed and battled inside her head whether she should go and look out of the window or just go to sleep like nothing happened. Finally, the the curious side of her won and she got up ready to face anything that could be in her backyard making so much noise.

As she looked out of the window, what she saw made her stumble back a few steps. There was a very bright light and there were many creatures there. Those creatures were bigger than an elephant. She had never seen anything like that, ever. Not even on animal shows. The creatures had small legs and a very big and large body. They even had a very big tail which could sweep off trees from the soil. And their weight might have been even more than 2 elephants together.

In about five minutes a whole colony of these creatures, who looked an awful lot like dinosaurs from 'Godzilla' were in her backyard. Wait a second, she thought dinosaurs! That's it, these are dinosaurs! She thought delighted but the next thought made her stop dead in her tracks dinosaurs? In our backyard? Oh my god!! She rubbed her eyes and looked again but nothing changed. She even pinched her, still the same. This is true! She exclaimed in her mind terrified even to breathe because the noise can alert the dinosaurs. 

She decided to call her parents but stopped dead in her tracks as she realised that her parents went out for a party the same night and wouldn't be back till that day afternoon. She was home alone.

Just as she thought that she was destined to die that day, she heard voices, speaking in English ,from her backyard. She couldn't catch what the voices were saying but she was relieved to at least have someone with her to die. She ran to the backyard and realised that the voices were actually the dinosaurs talking. Dinosaurs can talk in English! But in this trance, she unknowingly stepped into the backyard and on a stone. This caused a noise which reverberated in the backyard. All the dinosaurs heard the noise and looked at Jenna who stumbled a little when she realised what she had done.

"Who are you, girl?" one dinosaur asked Jenna while the remaining looked at her curiously.

"I'm Jenna. Are you all dinosaurs?" Jenna asked gathering all the courage she had.

"Dinosaurs? Is that what you people call us? What was it?" the dinosaur frowned as it tried to remember.

Just then some dinosaur yelled from the other side "humans. That's what they are called"

"Thank you, Jake," the dinosaur replied.

"Yes, so Jenna, you are human? "Jenna nodded. So, the dinosaur continued "I'm Marvin. The king of dinosaurs."

"didn't all of you die due to some asteroid millions of years ago?"

"Is that what the humans think!" Marvin shrieked "we never died, when we realised the earths ending, we went to another planet. But now the planet has completely changed and we came back to get our own life and planet back." Marvin replied.

"No! no! you can't stay here!" Jenna said

"Why can't we?" Marvin asked darkly thinking that Jenna is selfish and wants the whole planet to herself.

By that time, the whole neighbourhood woke up and reporters were also clicking pictures and going live. Just as Jenna was about to answer she heard the sirens of the police jeep and the people of the forest department also showed up. They were opening up their big trucks with cages like the ones Jenna saw in 'the Jurassic world' movie. She immediately realized what they were for. She even heard two forest officers talking among themselves planning the different ways they can use the dinosaurs. Jenna started panicking thinking about the fate of her friends and replied to them in a panicked voice,

"These people here are not good. They will use you and your friends for experiments and then kill you." As soon as she finished her reply, a forest officer tried to give molly a sedative. Molly threw the officer just with a sweep of her tail. Noticing this, another officer fired a bullet at molly's leg and she screamed as she fell to the ground. Her husband, David, helped her inside their ufo and their dinosaur doctor started treating her.

Jenna continued "The people will use you all as their dummy and will also keep you in zoo's. You should not stay here. Go back to your own planet. You will stay safe there. This planet is not yours now."

"Okay. We believe you. But the whole world already knows now that we are there and are living on another planet. We have to make these people forget everything." Marvin said now slightly scared.

"How can we make a whole planet forget?" Jenna asked scared for the dinosaurs who were now her friends.

"We have our ways, Jenna, we have our ways." Marvin smiled and then called another dinosaur to him. He gave the dinosaur a vial and told her

"Mary, take this vial and fly up in the sky. Then open the vial and the rest will be taken care of by the vial." Mary, the said dinosaur, did as told and soon they saw a big blue light spread all over the planet and it started raining heavily. Then everybody forgot everything as the dinosaurs all settled inside the ufo along with Jenna who bid them goodbye. As the rain stopped, Jenna stood outside the ufo.

"Jenna! I believe that our secret is safe with you." Marvin exclaimed

"I swear that I won't tell anybody about this secret. It will only be our little secret. You can be sure." Jenna assured them.

Marvin smiled at her and the ufo closed. Soon, the ufo was flying high in the sky that it looked like a star. Jenna waited for it to disappear completely before she went inside her room and decided to catch on a few hours of sleep before school. It was an unforgettable experience. She was so happy that she decided she would write her experience as a fiction story and publish it. Nobody needed to know that it was true and they were really back, Afterall.

The End


A/N: Not my first story but my first non-Harry potter story. So please, review...

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