Chapter 1 ~ the invitation

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"Almost done," fluttershy told Twilight as she unpacked the last box of books. "Great! This crystal castle is so big, i bet i will get lost atleast 7 times." Twilight laughed. Discord chuckled and carried on humming as he dusted the thrones. Fluttershy stared at her best friend. It was only 3 weeks ago that he had been betraying equestria and had teamed up with evil. "How he has changed." Fluttershy whispered to herself as a smile crept over her face. Suddenly there was a loud bang at the door. "Will y'all let me in?" Came Apple Jack's cheerful voice. "Coming, AJ." Called Twilight, hurrying to the door. Before she got there, AJ burst into the room and knocked all the books off the shelf. "AJ! That took me ages." Twilight groaned. "What on earth is going on in here?" Rarity exclaimed as her, Pinkie and Rainbow emerged from the other room. "Y'all better listen up. Its our family tradition to have a picnic on the first day of spring. Granny smith and Apple Bloom are away at a cider convention so me and Macintosh want y'all to come too! Come to sweet apple acres at noon tomorrow. Now, I got to go back to my apple bucking." AJ cantered out the door. "Wow, this sounds so exciting! An apple party!" Pinkie squealed, bouncing up and down. "Hmm..." Fluttershy mumbled. Everypony turned around to look at her. "What? You are going aren't you?" Rainbow frowned. "Yes, its just... I've never met Macintosh before." Fluttershy sighed. "Oh, don't worry." Rarity said, putting her hoof on Flutters shoulder. "I will design you a dazzling dress to boost your confidence!" "I could teach you how to do some awesome loop-the-loops!" Rainbow grinned. "I could-" "everyone stop!" Twilight yelled. "Fluttershy, just be yourself. Dont try and impress. Come on everypony, you better get going. "Thanks Twilight." Fluttershy smiled as she trotted out the door.

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