✿ May 16th 2001

41 3 0

Narancia nervously tapped his pencil against the paper of his journal. Finals were right around the corner yet he still couldn't focus. He'd been trying his best to get Fugo to teach him what he needed to know but the clutter in his mind only got worse when he did.

"I'll probably fail the finals anyway.."

He had convinced himself.
For the most part, the ravenette's grades weren't the worst, it was just pre-calculus he struggled with the most. A 67% F to be precise.

Being around Fugo made him a little insecure sometimes, he knew deep down he was smart but the scarlet eyed male was even smarter. He was going to college, and Narancia was clueless. Although their friend Mista who graduated the year before was working as a store clerk, he couldn't bring himself to do that.
Narancia felt as if working as a store clerk would've been a waste of Fugo's tutoring talent and he'd tell him that to his face. Even though they already had that conversation before.

"Personally, I don't care what you do when all this is over, however I would like to see you go far. Don't pressure yourself though just focus on what's in front of you for now."

"But I don't wanna waste all this knowledge you gave me, Y'know? I just..I wanna go with you wanna you take of for college."



"...Find something you'd wanna do and I'd be happy to teach you the ropes of how applying to a college works."

To find something he wanted to do was the tricky part.

Narancia was broken out of his trance by the ringing of the bell. He'd been so zoned out in fact, he hadn't realized that everyone had already gotten all
their things packed.

He quickly shoveled his things into his book sack carelessly and set out to the front of the school to meet up with Fugo. On school days they would walk to Bruno and Abbachio's dorm to study since they each had their own issues at home. He found it funny how he felt more at home there with his friends rather then where he actually lived with his father.

"Took you long enough."

The white haired boy said as he approached him using that same sarcastic tone that made Narancia's heart skip a beat. If he hadn't known any better he would've blushed.

"My bad, I kinda zoned out hehe"
Narancia said as he scratched the back of his head.
"Mm I thought so, you ready to go?"
He asked as a tiny grin tugged at his lips. Narancia nodded and smiled brightly as they began to walk to the dormitory.


"We're here!" The blonde called out into the dorm as he stepped in. Typically he would knock but Bruno had told them they didn't need to, he even went as far as to giving them both a key just in case something happened and they had no where to go.
"Alright! I'll be in here if you two need anything!" Called out Bruno from his room. There was no doubt Abbachio was in there or in his own room, but either way he was definitely taking a nap.

The two sat down at the coffee table in their living room, at least what they could call their living room for something such as a dormitory, and unpacked their things.
"How's your GPA?" Fugo asked. Narancia glanced down at the table and twiddled his thumbs in his lap. "Uh..a 2.75.." Fugo's scarlet red eyes widened a bit as he moved his hand to rub his temples. "Damn it..you still have an F in pre-calc?" The ravenette nodded.

Fugo sighed and nodded. "Narancia..you've been doing good all year, even with math you haven't struggled this much since our freshman year. Are you sick or something? Feeling depressed even?"

Narancia gulped. He couldn't be honest with him, as much as he wanted to tell him right there how much he loved him he could never bring himself to. He forced himself to make eye contact with him again and shrugged trying not to get lost in those grandeur blood red eyes.

"I dunno..my mind's just been all jumbled up lately is all, I mean, we're graduating soon."

"Right, but if you don't bring up that grade you won't be graduating at all."

"I'm trying my best okay?!"

"Calm down Nara, I know you are."

Narancia groaned and slammed his head against the table. "This is all so stressful, I've been stuck on this problem since yesterday."

"Hm? Let me see." Fugo said as he leaned over to see the expression. "Oh, that one isn't so hard, here let me show you." Fugo offered as he placed his hand over Narancia's and gripped the pencil. He did this somewhat often, he didn't want to write anything for Narancia but if he didn't he wouldn't know what to write, so they just wrote things together.

Which of course, triggered Narancia's hyperactive imagination. A small red tint creeped onto his tanned cheeks. He silently hoped that the white haired male wouldn't notice with his face just inches away from his own.

The ravenette tried his best not to avert his eyes from his paper to admire the sight of Fugo's pale hand on his tan one, fingers intertwined around the pencil and decorating the paper with answers.

Oh what he would give to go with Fugo, or more realistically to beg him to stay and have him listen. He would give anything to live in a world where Fugo would drop everything and run away with him, or a world where he was smart enough to follow in the other's footsteps instead of getting distracted by his own feelings.

"Does it make more sense now?"


"You didn't even hear a thing I just said." Fugo let go of his hand and sighed. "There's something bothering you I can tell, what's on your mind?"
"I just...Look I don't think I'm ready to talk about it.."
"I see. Do you wanna just relax this afternoon then?We can study tomorrow."
Narancia nodded with a small smile as Fugo patted his knee.

"We'll come on then, let's go get something to eat."
Fugo said as he stood up.

Narancia smiled and followed him out the door, silently cursing at himself for not opening up on the way out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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