I Think You Can Be A Hero

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I haven't been on Wattpad in awhile, but I'm going to keep posting on here. Probably rarely though, I've partially moved to AO3 so if you want to read this on there here's a link-


Or you can just look it up, I have the same username and the story title is the same. But other than that,  I'm done talking now

7 year old Izuku fiddled with the bandages on his arm. Kacchan had burned him again, and when he'd cried all the other kids had laughed.

"Look he's crying, he's such a cry baby!"

"He can't defend himself without a quirk."

Izuku felt tears gather in his eyes again, threatening to fall.

He really didn't understand why none of the kids his age ever wanted to be his friend. He didn't have a quirk but that didn't make him different then any of the other kids... right? He still thought the same way, he wasnt stupid he just didn't have a quirk.

But why had the teachers always turned their back on him? Why did no one ever want to be his friend? No one liked him 'cause he didn't have a quirk. That's what Kacchan had said, and that's what seemed to be true.

A few tears escaped and Izuku rubbed them away with his good arm.

He just wanted a friend.

"Green head!" A voice yelled, clearly directed at him

"Wha-?" Izuku started, scared for a moment he was going to get beat up again

His whole body froze up, and then took a big leap back onto the sidewalk.

As he was wondering what had just happened, a truck jetted past right where he was standing just seconds before.

He took a sharp inhale and scuttled farther back away from the edge

"Watch where you're going." A voice said from behind him

Izuku turned around to see the person who had saved him, he was the same age as him and had fluffy purple hair

"Hey wait! Thank you for saving me!" He ran to catch up with the taller boy

The purple haired kid blinked, as though caught off guard

"... You're welcome." He responded slowly

"Hey, what's your name? I'm Izuku Midoriya, your quirk's really cool!!!! What's it called!?" He asked excitedly

The kids' brows scrunched up in confusion, and mild disbelief.

"... It's called brainwash.... Because I brainwash people." He said, as though trying to get him to realize something

"That's awesome! How does it work!?" Izuku questioned, practically vibrating with excitement from the awesome quirk and the fact that this kid was still talking to him.

"I-.... Why do you want to know? So you can get an upper hand on me?" The kid asked, face twisting in distrust

Izuku's face fell, confused

"No. I just like analyzing quirks.... I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." He apologized, looking down at the ground. He always seemed to annoy people somehow. If it wasn't his lack of a quirk it was his constant rambling.

".... What's your favorite color." The kid asked suddenly

"Re-" his body froze up again like before

I Think You Can Be A HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora