No swearing!

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"Let go of me!" Diluc said to kaeya who is holding him close to his chest.
"How about no" kaeya said well Jean was just staring at them.
"I swear to god if you don't let me go I'm going to Fucking kill you!" Diluc said as he said swearing as Jean stated too say..
"What have I said no swearing in mondsait!"(i spelt that wrong:I) Jean said yelling.
"I'm a grown adult I can do whatever I want."Diluc said sounding like he's getting madder bye the Second.
"And I can do what I want to you."kaeya said like he was about to fu*k Diluc
"No thank you I'm out!"Jean said as she was walking backwards
"I'm guessing you're not going to let me go?" Diluc said as he was looking at kaeya with a confused face
"Nope! You're mine" kaeya said making Diluc blush a little

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