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'I just want to live', that was all I could think as I ran. And I ran like my life depended on it. Because I knew it did.

A thick, liquid crimson stained my fair skin, as I ran with all my might. Adrenaline coursing through my veins. Telling me to move, or die.

It hurt knowing he was gone, and gone for good. He was one of the very first friends I have ever had.

I remember screaming, crying, and blood. Lots, and lots of blood.

I was trying to keep pace with the other survivors, but I got fatigued. I slipped in pace, and I tripped over. I sprained my ankle.

A part of me thought I was going to die. But one of the others picked me up, and ran with me on their back. Who was it? I didn't know - I was scared, and I was tired. My vision was blurry from sleep deprivation, and tears.

I didn't ask for this, for any of this - but It was to either run away and live, or stay. And await Death's call. 

I chose the hard way, to live. And now, I must suffer the consequences...

'Agenlintosis...' By; Dani J. Martel.Where stories live. Discover now