MHA Rewrite #3: Mt. Lady's Sabotage *SEASON 3 SPOILERS*

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(I told you to expect more Dabi and Mt. Lady content, so here's a MHA rewrite for you!  Dablyn is still my OTP, I'm just taking a little break from writing Dablyn content. Play the song (if you want) at the "*'" point for the best experience. :3

Anyway, there's only a profanity and violence warning for this short story. It's like most of my plot-oriented one shots with fight scenes and badass women, if you've read those.

If that doesn't bother you, I hope you enjoy!)

I've Always Liked to Play With Fire


"Stitches is here. He has to be." Mt. Lady muttered to herself, analyzing the area from the part of the forest she was in. The air was getting more difficult to breathe, and Yu Takedayama could feel a coughing fit looming. She didn't care if the commission decided to send her in to help or not, helping others in need was her job. No one could take that away from her. Yu took out her inhaler from her cleavage inside her costume and started using it. She stuffed it back in her cleavage as she started having a coughing fit. "The kids." Her violet eyes bulged in fear for the innocent teenagers the League of Villains was most likely attacking. "I have to save them." Yu insisted sternly to herself in between coughs and furrowed her eyebrows in thought.

A soft growl escaped the so-called rookie hero's lips as she utilized her quirk and grew in size. Yu frowned as more eyes became fixated on her, some of the gazes from Class 1-A while others were the villains. I was right, Dabi is here. This really complicates things. She took a deep breath of the cleaner air from above the flames. Ignoring Dabi's bittersweet focus on her, Yu carefully stomped over the fires, making sure she didn't step on any of the kids separated from each other.

"Corn nuts, that's bad." Yu exasperated in a whisper at the creature almost her size forming from another part of the forest. "Sometimes I really hate my quirk." She grunted and clomped her way in that direction. As Mt. Lady was diligently making sure she didn't step on any of the heroes or Class 1-A students, she noticed attacks coming her way to slow her down. "Nice try, Giganta! You're gonna have to do more than that to stop us!" Dabi yelled mockingly. "Nice try to you Blueflame! You're gonna have to try harder to stop me from doing my job." Mt. Lady sneered and blocked the fireballs he aimed at her.

A sigh of relief left her mouth, Yu was close to the creature and the one student with a shadow for his quirk. She frowned at forgetting his name, Mt. Lady recalled Hawks considering recruiting him for a hero study. "TOKOYAMI NO!!" Thankfully, she could recognize the familiar voice of the chaotic green haired boy from this year's sports festival. Izuku Midoriya. "Hold on! I'm here! I got this-" Yu reassured Midoriya and his classmate, whom she forgot the name of. "Gah-" She winced as the creature scratched her stomach, letting droplets of blood run down her body. Her legs wobbled as the smell of smoke intensified, her hands rushed to clutch her stomach.

Damnit, what do I do now? Yu thought to herself, feeling more pain than she thought she should.

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