Daddy, is there rainbows in Heaven ?

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It's been three days since Ben, Callum and Lola received the news that their six year old daughter was dying. Childhood cancer . Terminal . When the doctor told Lola the cancer was terminal , she was in denial or days . "Ben , she's six years old they got it wrong. Our daughter is not dying , they've got it wrong" . Deep down, she knew that wasn't the truth . She knew Lexi had limited time left , but she didn't want to believe it . " Since they got the news, the whole family has been spending ever single minute they could with Lexi. They asked her to write a list of every thing she wanted to  do in her last days on Earth. The hardest part was telling Lexi . They decided to do it together, just Ben, Callum, Lola . They sat down in the sitting room of Callum's apartment , it was Lexi's happy place . Ben and Callum loved having her there , she brought joy and light , even on the toughest days . It was gonna be excruciating not having her there to make hard days, that little bit better . They all sat round the coffee table. "Lexi ', we have something to tell you, it might  be confusing , but we're here to answer any questions you have, ok princess?" , Ben said in a gentle tone , fighting back tears . Lexi nodded , not saying anything. "Do you remember the doctors appointment we had a few days ago?" . " The one were I got the rainbow stickers ?" ."Yeah , yeah. Well, you see , that appointment was to see if your sickness had spread anywhere else, but they found something else." "What was it , is it gone, will  I get my hair back?" . It was too hard for Ben . "Cal , please tell her, I can't do it"  Ben whispered . Callum took over, reluctantly . "No princess, I'm sorry you can't have your hair back. They-...They told us that you have another tumour, and they can't fix this one. ". Callum was sobbing now, Ben and Lola were crying, hugging in the corner of the room . "Callum, does that mean I'm going to die?" . Lola practically ran out of the room , she couldn't take it. "Y-Yes princess, I'm so so sorry , but don't be scared okay? You're mum and dads have you now , you're gonna be just fine I promise" Ben said , pulling her into a hug . Lexi began screaming. "NO DADDY I DON'T WANT TO DIE ,I DON'T WANT TO ". Callum ran to get Lola. " I know baby, i know.It's not fair , but there's nothing to be scared of, okay? Don't cry , baby please"

A few days had passed since they told Lexi. They had done everything on the list . Went to the zoo, went on the train ride, the one where the princesses throw " magic "dust on you . Lexi loved every minute of those days, but Ben, Callum and Lola found them painful, because they knew their baby girl was dying and she doesn't have a future . They would never buy her , her first beer , even though Ben always gave her sips of his when they were at the Vic. They would never get to embarass her infront of future partners, by telling them funny stories . They would never get to walk her down the aisle on her big day. It was so unfair . They thought she would beat it . It never even crossed their mind, that they would have to spend her last days together . She was supposed to outlive them, and fulfill her hopes and dreams .

One night , it got bad . Awful. They knew it was her last night. They spent the whole night watching her favourite movies , never once complaining about watching Barbie for the 100th time . Callum and Lola had fallen asleep , and Lexi was cuddling with Ben. "Daddy , where will I go when I leave ?" . A tear dropped onto the blanket . Ben had been dreading this question for weeks. "Well. You'll be going to a place called Heaven, a place where you can have anything you want. You can live forever in Heaven . You can have as many puppies as you want , as many cookies and cupcakes you could eat . It's magical there " ." Will I be able to see you, Mum and Cal in Heaven?" . " We won't be there with you baby, but you will always be watching over . You'll always be here too, not physically, but in our hearts . Forever". Lexi nodded . She was breathing really heavy now and Ben knew it was coming . He woke up Callum and Lola , so they could say their final goodbyes, like they agreed they would do if one of them fell asleep . They all hugged her and told her that they love her so much , and that they'll see her again some day . Lexi closed her eyes . "Daddy " she whispered. "Is there rainbows in Heaven?" . "Yes princess, yes there is. I love you princess." ,he sobbed ,trying to hide his tears from Lexi . "Don't cry Daddy, I'll see you again some day." " I love you so much Lexi " "I love you too Daddy". She took her final breath , and the three of them lay with her for a while , crying and wishing it was them instead . "We'll see her again some day . Some day " Ben cried while, dialling the ambulance number, for Lexi to be taken away . "Goodnight Lexi,we love you" Lola whispere, holding her tight not wanting to ever let her go. The ambulance came ,Lola trying to stop the paramedics from taking their precious baby away. Ben walked over to the window, bawling crying . A light in the sky caught his eye.  A rainbow . He smiled. "Hello baby . In heaven already?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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