A wish 🌟

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Taeyeon was married to a rich man, Baekhyun, to strengthen their family business. But neither of them had feelings for each other. She was a respectful person, a good daughter and responsible daughter-in-law but couldn't become a loved wife as Baekhyun was always busy. Being married for 5 years, they never slept in same room. He either came home late from work or stayed in study room for a long time that he always fall asleep there. Taeyeon wasn't a bad person or something like that but Baekhyun couldn't put himself up for her. While he was busy on his work, Taeyeon faced a lot difficulties at home. Her father-in-law liked her but mother-in-law was always on her bad side. Her mother-in-law was upset as Taeyeon couldn't bring a grandchild for her. But who would tell her that the problem was with his son who never let her close. But Baekhyun was not a bad guy either. He just felt bad for Taeyeon who had to marry him just for the family business. That's why he was never open to her which created a misunderstanding between them. So Baekhyun was half a good husband as he let his wife free, let her do whatever she wanted and always asked for what she wanted, he always asked for a wish that he could grant. Taeyeon did wanted to ask for a space in his heart as a wish but was never able to tell him like those three words. 

Both of them were so busy on their own work that nobody would believe they were married and on top of that they had no child. Due to this Taeyeon always tried to spare some time from her busy schedule and started to visit him at his workplace. But how unlucky of her, he would always be busy whenever she comes. His assistant told he could convey her message of arrival but she always requested to keep it a secret from him . They even made a promise. Whenever she left home late for her work, she would quietly leave the home packed lunch in his office and all this time Baekhyun thought it was his mom's doing. Even though his assistant knew about this, he couldn't share a word because of the promise. But sometimes she waits to watch her husband eat her cooked lunch with a big smile which brightens her day.

It was just a random day of her visit when a ferocious man was demanding to see the CEO, her husband. For a week that person was protesting alone, so she looked onto it and found out that the one who was protesting was the father of the ex-employee, who left the company two weeks ago and was found dead a week ago in her apartment. He claims that it was due to work overload that her daughter suicide even though police had concluded that she was being black mailed by her ex which led her to suicide. The father strongly denies the cause and continuously blames the company and ask for the refund. It was clear that he was just after the money. The company reported to the police and even warned the man which led him to become more furious. 

One day when she arrived at her husband's office building she saw that man holding a pistol and pointing straight at her husband in a distance. He had already brutally beaten one police and was out of control. Everyone were scared. Baekhyun asked for the man's cooperation to solve the problem peacefully but the man wasn't ready, he had enough of roaming around and asking for the refund. When asked what he wanted he demanded for larger sum of money. Baekhyun was ready to give the money only in one condition that he wouldn't shoot the gun at anyone and the man even agreed. So Baekhyun ordered his employee to arrange the money. In process of collecting the money, that employee informed the police force too. When the police arrived, the man felt betrayal and fired a bullet at Baekhyun. At that moment, Taeyeon came in between Baekhyun and the man which led the bullet to hit Taeyeon. As the man wasn't a pro killer he felt scared and dropped the gun. When Taeyeon felt like she was about to die she asked Baekhyun for a wish. And Baekhyun promised to fulfill her every wish. Soon the police arrested him and the ambulance took her. On the way to ICU, she wished to have a special place for her in his life. Baekhyun then replied that she always had a special place in his heart. 

The operation took place and luckily the bullet didn't hit her in the complex area, so she just required some rest to fully recover. From that day onwards they looked for each other. They were a bit shy around each other at the beginning but later on they became used to it as both of them were fast learners 🤭 They went on dates, celebrated even little achievements, fought for silly things and mostly they stood for each other. Soon they had a boy face like dad and habit like mom. And in no time; a complete happy family of three was born. 

------------------------------------------- The End  ---------------------------------------------

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