Pig In Boots

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Through the years, I've been known by many names.

Diablo Cerdo.

The Furry lover.......


Friskie two-times.

And the Pink Haired Hit man.

The deep voice chuckles lowly.

But to most... I am

Pig In Boots.


                A wanted poster was pinned on to a wooden barrel, a knife wedged through the paper. Sunlight seeped through the open window while a fan was squeaking as the wind blew softly against it.

A half bald man snored loudly, rolling over to his back, a chain tingled quietly from his movements.

Following the chain was an opened cage positioned towards a slightly open door.

Through the halls was a woman, possibly in her 20's, half awake, her eyes fluttering softly. The silky red covers just covered her chest and leg areas while she turned around, watching two pale hands greedily snatch off a black hat that had a big red feather.

In the shadows, two red eyes shone deeply, staring at the woman's eyes as he fixed his belt. "I will never forget you..." A hand softly grabbed her jaw dragging her closer. ".. Margherita.." The deep soothing voice whispered, kissing the woman's lips softly.

The woman scoffed, sitting up and pulling the covers to her chest with one hand. "Margherita?" She questioned as the pink haired male winced. ".. I mean Rosa." He chuckled awkwardly. "Uh.. Sorry. I think I shall go." His thumb pointed behind him at the door.

Before the woman could protest he was already out, walking past the snoring man's room. He thought for a moment before smiling mischievously, walking up to the mans door and carefully slipping the ring off his finger. He put it on, smiling at the glint the silver ring made.

The Pink Haired man grabbed his boots quietly, sneaking out the door before-

The Floorboard Creaked...

Technoblade tensed slightly and after a few minutes of silence he began to walk again... not as soon as the snoring man now shouting man groaned and lifted up the sword he was holding. Red eyes turned into slits and narrowed, watching the mans sword swing down to clash at the Pink Haired man's sword.

Grunts of force and the ring of their swords clashing together erupted the room. The Man's sword slashed at the Techno's feet, but Techno's reflex was too fast for him. He jumped over it just in time and moved to the side to quickly dodge the Bald Man's chain swishing down at him. Techno grunted in slight pain when his back hit a shelf full of booze and alcohol, the pink haired man heard more chains rattle, his hands pushed against the wooden plank and choked when he felt the wind of the chains whipped behind him, glass being shattered completely.

He tripped slightly but picked himself up, clawing his way out. He turned around, dodging a bottle of booze that was aimed from his head. He sneered, sitting up on the window. Techno watched the bottle shatter into tiny pieces. I could've drunken that.. Technoblade turned back around but jump as a boot hit him, he hissed in pain but this was a perfect opportunity to run the fuck outta there..... so he did.

The Man ran over to the door, his foot getting caught into something making his chair and table flip over. He gripped at his front door, scattering to the front porch.

"YOU CANNOT RUN FOREVER," The man's fist went up to the air, "PIG IN BOOTS!" The mean wheezed from lack of oxygen, kneeling down. The beautiful woman came rushing out, with clothes of course, and leaned onto the wooden porch plank. She sighed with half lidded eyes. She'll miss him..

As the pink haired male was running freely, he turned around one last time and blew kisses with his hand before running again. His short length hair flowing through the wind, his sweaty forehead finally cool and his big smile, his teeth glistening from the sun.

He was free.


And never felt better then ever.


What can I say? I was a bad piggy~


* Soo hey. :)) like it so far? This will be fun. Mighty start posting in ao3 again... but I don't know...... :| whatever. Hope you like it. Chapter 2 will soon be finished (hopefully). Might take a few days..
* The fighting scene is killing me. I hate it. I haven't reread anything yet so if there's spelling errors. Tell me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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