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01. Memories From Two Summers Ago

~ Artemis' POV ~


I owe someone 45 thousand dollars.

I walked into math class, which was the first class of the day. It's been 2 summers, aka 2 years since I lost that bet. Yeah, call me dumb, (I'm really not) because I do not remember what the bet was. I believe the guy's name was Felix?- Yeah, Felix Brown. Everyone found him attractive. But me? Absolutely not. I literally found nobody attractive — hence why I never found a boyfriend.

I sat down, being one of the earliest people in the class, I watched the door, as the class filled up with students. I prepared my utensils and notebooks. People were chatting and I was just sitting there, lonely. I hadn't ever had any friends, really. I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms, watching the teacher walk in. I immediately sat up and smiled at the teacher.

The math teacher wrote the equation on the board and we were told to write the answers and our calculations down in our math notebook. Many people did not have any pencils - and me, being the genuine person I was, I decided to give out some pencils to the people who didn't have any. I smiled as I gave each pencil. The teacher stood infront of the board, her arms crossed, waiting for everyone to clear my desk. She knew who she was going to call on.

"Ms. Artemis, do you care to answer this equation?" She asked me. I nodded.

Turns out I answered the equation completely right. The spot light was turned on me again. People laughed at my face because of how 'smart' I was. Yeah, my grades were great but that didn't mean you could laugh straight at my face, right?

Felix Brown was always on my mind. I mean, why didn't he just sue me already? It's been 2 years and I still haven't paid any money to him. I've been trying to take my mind off of him, but I can't. Like I know I will never see him ever again, because he moved away from Chicago a few weeks after I lost the bet. I did hear that my school was getting a new student enrolled, but it obviously couldn't be Felix, right?

I didn't even realise the teacher had written another equation on the board. I scrambled through my pencil case to find my pencil again and immediately started to write the equation down in my book. As I finished writing the equation down in my book, the teacher was about to speak but the bell rung. I shrugged, closing my book and gathering my things. I stood up, and I had forgotten that a lot of people had borrowed my utensils. I asked for them back but guess what happened? Of course they didn't give them back.

I walked out of the class, squeezing past a few people.

"Excuse me," I said as I continued walking the halls.

I spotted someone new standing beside my locker. I eyed him up and down, edging closer to my locker. He had a lot of necklace chains. They sparkled. He was wearing a navy blue suit. Yeah. To school. Like, who even does that? He was glancing at me. I saw his gaze. His green eyes caught my brown eyes. His brown hair attracted me.

No. I am not falling for this man, like who even is that? I saw him pull out his phone. Please don't call me a creep, but I saw a person who he had set as his lockscreen wallpaper.

Wait. That was me.

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