Part 1

622 21 3

Warnings; none ✨

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Warnings; none ✨

Word count; 946 💫

A/N; so this is my first ever I got on Tumblr request!! I'm so excited to write it. First things first, I don't know anything about PhD students, uni/colleges (as they're different from the UK uni/colleges), professors, etc. I know a little about autism (my boyfriend has it) but I'm still learning, and I apologise if it's wrong, again I don't know anything about it, please don't come for me. Without further ado, please enjoy and feedback is always welcome and appreciated 💜✨


Walking into class, you clutched your books closer to your chest as you walked to your seat you noticed someone sitting there.

"U-urm excuse me. You're in my seat." You mumbled as the girl who was sitting in your seat looked at you and scoffed.

"Excuse me? Your seat? Does it have your name on it? No. I don't think so." She laughed and turned back to her friends, calling you a freak.

You turned around, pulling the straps to your bag tighter and clutching your books even closer yourself as tears threatened to fall. You start to walk out, feeling incredibly overwhelmed and almost having a meltdown when your new Professor spoke up.

"Excuse me? Yes hello, you. What's your name?" He pointed, as everyone looked at the girl sitting in your seat.

"It's Sam. And who are you?" He rolled her eyes, turning to her friends as they giggled.

"Of course it's Sam." He whispered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Well Sam, I am your new professor. Professor Barnes and I believe that is not your seat. Move."

Sam scoffed while rolling her eyes, still refusing to move, and folding her arms across her chest as if she was challenging him. "Are you gonna make me, professor Barnes?" She flirted, as Bucky snorted leaning against his desk.

"No actually. I'm not. I'm just hoping you'll be a decent human and move so YN can sit in her seat." He smirked as he looked at you and then to Sam, who rolled her eyes once again you were worried they'd fall out of her head.

She moved out of your seat, not without causing a fuss. You peaked at Professor Barnes through your lashes and flashed him a small smile, before looking down and scurrying to your seat.

As class finished, you quickly got your things together and tried to get out the door before Sam and her crew got there first. But you were stopped by a soft, raspy voice calling your name.

"Wait, YN. Can you stay for a second please?" He asked, as the whole class ooohed you because you never got in trouble.

Standing in the same place you stopped, you tried to control your breathing and calm down so you don't have a full blown meltdown in front of the new Professor.

Like he had a sixth sense or something, he picked up on your laboured breathing and quickly directed you to a seat.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, you're not in trouble I promise." He spoke softly as he crouched down, looking at you for permission so he could rest his hand on your knees to balance himself.

Your breathing slowed, returning to normal as he continued to speak.

"You alright now?" He asked as he bit his lip, trying to look in your eyes for conformation, as you nodded your head. "Yeah, I'm okay." You whispered so quietly that if Bucky wasn't as close to you as he is now, he wouldn't of heard you.

He went to take off his jumper (sweater) and that's when you noticed his metal appendage. Gasping slightly, he looked over to you to make sure you were okay when he saw what you were looking at. He took a deep breath.

"I urm, I was in an accident a few years ago. Lost my left arm. My friend Tony, he works on prosthetics and made it for me. It's not the same as a normal hand but it works just as well." He smiled softly at you, make sure you weren't uncomfortable with him having it out in the open.

He saw that you weren't, but what shocked him the most was when he saw your small hand slowly reach forward, but hesitating not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

"It's okay, you can touch it if you want." He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. You leant forward slowly, not making any sudden movements as you traced your fingers over the metal of his arm. Then you reached down to his hand, taking each finger and examining it carefully with a small smile on your lips.

When you let go, you said something that left him in a fit of shock. "Your arm is beautiful professor Barnes."

He looked up at you, shocked. "U-urm thank you. And please, call me Bucky." The smile he gave you this time, reached his eyes as you smiled back.


You tried, liking how his names rolled off your tongue as you looked at his ocean blue eyes feeling like you could get lost in them. Butterflies causing hurricanes in your tummy, making you slightly nervous as he grinned at you.

"I know this may seem fast but, I'd really like to get to know you more. Would you want to maybe, grab a coffee sometime?" He bit his lip, and looked down at his fingers.

"I-I'd like that. Thank you profes- urm I mean Bucky." You blushed as you grabbed your bag and walked out his classroom, not before turning around and giving him a small wave and closing the door before you went on your day.

It wasn't until you closed the door that Bucky realised he didn't have your number. Jumping up from his seat, he swung his classroom door open and looked down the corridor hoping to find you but having no luck.

But he remembered he had you tomorrow, and silently cheered to himself as he went to sit back down waiting for his next class to arrive.

Hopeful that he'd remember to get your number tomorrow, and have you fall in love with him, like he had with you.

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