The Complot Against the World

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"Yo ni la conozco pero fugaria con vos" -Paulo Londra

Part 1

I threw myself on top of the couch. Then I switched on my side, then I stared at the ceiling. And then I stared at the cushions and then I let out a loud, long groan.

"Would you tell me what's wrong with you?" Nathan said to me from the dinner table. I could hear that he was typing away on his laptop, but I had no clue what he was typing. "I'm bored out of my mind," I said as once again I lay on my back.

"Well then do something and stop bothering me!" Nathan went back to his typing.

I wasn't even bothering him, but I honestly didn't know how he had put up with me all these years. I've met him since middle school, then we went on to high school, and then finally college. It was crazy we were in junior year of college. It felt like only yesterday he had helped me get up from the floor as I fell from my bike that first day of school. He had become my best friend. Some would even say we are related if it wasn't for our skin color. Although not by blood, he was still my big brother.

"But what? It's Christmas break, after the first week there is literally nothing to do" I crossed my arms since this was true. Christmas break in college is the best thing ever, you literally have nothing to do. Except to work for three hours after 5:00 PM and I had already done that.

"Then go out, it's Saturday for god's sake"

"But all my friends are out of town to remember, won't be back till classes start"

Although depressing it was true. I was basically alone for the holidays, my parents were gone to Europe, dragging my siblings along, and I refused to go with them because it would be more like incarceration than a vacation.

"Then I don't know what to do with you," he said.

I stretched my neck to try and catch a glimpse of him but failed miserably. I groaned again and closed my eyes. These were the worst vacations ever. There was nothing on TV, I had watched all the movies on Netflix, I had heard all the music that existed, and reread most of my books on the shelves that were all over our apartment. Even sleeping was boring. That's how I knew I was really screwed. I loved to sleep.

"Then go to the grocery store, get you a bottle of wine and popcorn and then come back to me, and we'll have a sleepover" he exclaimed.

I looked at him. "We live together, we basically have a sleepover everyday" I deadpanned.

"No, no, this will be a real sleepover" he was still looking at his laptop when he said it, not even glancing my way.

"Why do I have to go grocery shopping by myself?" I said, getting up and grabbing my keys, already putting on my jacket.

"Because I need to finish this" he put a pencil in his mouth as he stared at his screen.

"What are you doing?" I questioned him since I knew there was no homework over Christmas break.

"Well, I promised to edit a friend's novel, and I'm almost done"

Color me impressed, I thought, as I left the apartment and headed to my car. The cold breeze that hit me was expected, but my body still shivered at the feeling. The grocery store was not far from the campus apartments and I made it there in under five minutes. My friends usually criticized me, saying I can just walk to the store, but that's a no, no in this weather. I welcomed the warmth that greeted me as I entered the store, going to the familiar aisle where my friends and I got our favorite popcorn. I spotted it as soon as I got there and headed for the cash register. I grabbed some skittles and snickers and ordered the usual bottle of wine. I didn't even have to show my ID anymore since Logan knew all of my friends. It was probably still illegal.

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