Before We Begin

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Hello and welcome all! This is a shortish story related to Power Rangers Jewelite. Now, of course you certainly don't have to read it to understand Jewelite. Or even the series that's coming up, Power Rangers Codex. All really important details will be touched on in Codex and in fact, you should really read Jewelite before you read this. But it's a fun little story, one that would kind of be like a TV special. Maybe a mini movie I dunno, something along those lines.

It does connect to both seasons, as you'll soon learn it takes place exactly a year after the Jewelite Rangers first received their powers. It continues (and subsequently finishes) a plot that I began in Jewelite that I never had the time to properly wrap up in the season. I was glad I didn't because it resulted in this whole brand-new story! I was so excited to get started that I actually began this project during August last year when I was rushing to finish Jewelite so I could enter it in the Wattys. (not that I pulled that off XD)

I called it my break time lol.

As for its connection to Codex. Well, it leads into the series quite neatly. Explaining why certain things happen in the – already written ;) – first episodes. Plus, the existence of something that didn't exist prior and will also explain why the Jewelite Rangers are capable of morphing in the inevitable Jewelite/Codex Team up (Ya'll knew I was gonna write one XD).

So, please, read. Enjoy. Hopefully it'll be a fun read (not just a good excuse for me to spend the tiniest amount more time with the Jewelite Cast. I got really attached to them T-T).

Thank you guys for all the support on my fanfic over the three years I was writing it – it began December 7th 2018 and finally finished December 7th 2021 on its 3rd anniversary – hopefully you'll enjoy Codex just as much ^~^

Love Evie ~

(Yes, I am posting this bit first without the actual story to HYPE. HEHE. As the lead up to this fic's proper release I'll add more characters to this as time goes on. ^^ Check out my instagram if you want some hints as to what's coming ;) I'm Powerrangerscodex on Insta ^^)

UPDATE: 18/12/21 - New character added, also will be adding another tomorrow because imma be CRAZY busy next week XD 


} CAST {


Red Ranger

Name: Marco 'Wolf' Waters
Age: 19
Appearance: Tan skin, brown hair, green eyes.
Personality: Passionate and Determined leader of the Jewelite rangers. He used to struggle with the stress of having to make the right decision as the leader. Even though he was more than capable of it. Over his time as the Red Ranger he grew in confidence and understanding of others.

He developed a strong friendship with Carter and a semi-rivalry with Josh. More playful than anything else. His friendship with the red and gold Ninja Steel Rangers helped him deal with some tough things in his life and now, a year after losing his powers, he actually helps them teach. Sort of like a student teacher.

Zord: Ruby Lion
Arsenal: Ruby Axe, Crystal Blaster, Geo Sword. Morganite Armour.

Yellow Ranger

Name: Ngadria Rosewood.
Age: 18
Appearance: Dark skin, brown eyes, black hair.
Personality: Kind and polite, still equally as faithful as she used to be. Ngadria has always been determined to help people but over her time as a ranger she grew to be more confident in her abilities and learnt to stand up for herself.

Though she no longer does gymnastics she still trains with Eve whenever she can, for Eve's sake. She has also improved in her martial arts a great deal over the last year with Carter's help, when she's back in Ore Beach. She's currently studying for a Teaching Degree at the Mariner Bay university, wanting to be an English teacher.

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