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I thought it was all done 3 years ago when she had left the city but I was far from hearing the last of her.

"Hey Frosty." A familiar voice called to me one night when I was walking home, it was her, she was back and I couldn't help her this time but I'm not a hero I should stop trying to be one.

"Allegra Garcia." I spoke turning around my voice becoming metallic as my eyes went white. "Aw you remember me, cute." She laughed sarcastically adjusting something on her gloves. I couldn't ever trust her again not after what happened last time. I raised my hand and shot ice at Allegra's right shoulder but she rolled behind the car next to her, "Frosty actually try to hit me next time, you make everything boring." She teased me, my ice hands were still ready but her next attack caught me off guard, I got about 5 feet away from the small car she was under when she shot UV rays from under the car. The force was so strong I flew backwards and across the street hitting the car on the side of the road I was standing on, I groaned from the massive pain from my chest as Allegra came up to me, "by the way, it's Wavelength now." She told me blasting me one last time before leaving. With half my body numb I managed to grab my phone and call Caity, "I'm sorry Caity. Allegra's back." I explained to her,"Frost I told you to be careful while dealing with her." My sister's worried voice panicked. "Caity don't worry about me, you need to get out of town or somewhere safe I can't loose you too." I interrupted her then hung up. With my body senses overwhelmed by pain I used all my strength and limped slowly to the apartment I shared with Caity. "I hate you now Allegra." I muttered under my breath falling on the couch. "Frost, you scared me!" Caitlin yelled at me the next morning. She then proceed to say something else but I heard a high pitched ringing and my vision started getting blurry, I got up and wiped my eyes but I still couldn't see correctly. There was only one person I knew who had done this before, "Allegra." I muttered under my breath as Caity started to choke, "Caitlin ! You need to get out of here!" I gasped feeling the oxygen from the room start to deplete. "Hey, do you trust me?" I asked Caitlin as we got out of the room, her eyes slowly started to close, "Hey, hey, Caity, look at me, you need to stay awake." I told my sister scared while gasping for air. "Yeah I trust you frost." She muttered quietly. I could barley breath as I walked over to the window breaking the entire thing as Caitlin passed out, I ran to her picking her up and jumping out the window. My ice made it like skies all the way to star labs. I knew they didn't trust me but Caitlin shouldn't have to pay for it. I crashed through one of the windows shattering it into pieces. "Killer Frost, you aren't welcome here." A familiar voice reminded me, I put down Caitlin gently and turned around to argue, "Cisco I really don't want any trouble but you need to help Caitlin." Cisco put down the gun he had aimed at my chest and looked at Caitlin,"Flash take her up to med bay, mini flash pipeline." Cisco instructed someone through his comms and I ran but the small speedster still caught me.
"Nora West-Allen. I thought Barry was the flash." I tried to confuse the daughter of the flash as she examined me through my cell. "And you of all people probably know where my father is these days." She spat back."You have so much anger almost like." I stopped trying to remember then snapped, "Almost like Mia." I smirked at the young West-Allen daughter. "Shut up Killer Frost." Nora muttered under her breath then sped off. I decided to get some sleep because I had only gotten four hours last night. My eyes started to slowly close as my mind drifted back to memorys.

"Caity I'm sorry I already told you, S.T.A.R. Labs doesn't deserve you." I muttered grabbing a bottle of whiskey, "Frost will you stop drinking for one second and actually care about someone other then yourself!" My sisters voice yelled at me the she left and I was alone or at least I thought I was. "How cute." A sarcastic sweet voice came from the corner of Caity's apartment. Allegra. "You're stalking me now. Some people might think you're in love with me." I talked back in the same tone. Allegra walked out from the shadows and stood a few feet away from me before muttering, "We would be a cute couple now don't you think." I almost froze the turned around facing the 20 year-old. "You would like that wouldn't you. Actual happiness that isn't corrupt." I stared Into her eyes teasing her. I could see her bite her lip nervously before quickly looking away, "Just shut up." The short brunette growled at me. She walked out of the apartment but not before dropping something in the air vent.
I remembered the panic and the sharp pain from trying to breath I remember passing out as I was thinking I would die. But I didn't die.
"Frost! You need medical help, I'll get you to star labs." I heard Barry's kind voice right before I went unconscious.
When I had woken healing powers had kicked in but with just my luck she was back, "Hey lovely." Allegra breeched into the medbay, she put a mask over her nose and mouth then sprayed something in the air, "I'm sorry but I couldn't have you being seen as a hero. After all sweetie, you ruined my life it's time for me to ruin yours." Allegra's voice hung in the air as the oxygen went down again. That bitch. I thought to myself trying to breath, I was still recovering from the first time and I couldn't move my legs. You know what Allegra I'll play your little game. I smirked at her trying not to laugh, "I didn't know trying to kill me was part of your plan." I gasped on the thin air, she just turned back to face me and I couldn't breathe anymore, "OH luv it's not this is." She smiled knocking me out.

A voice freed me from my past and back to the cell.
"Frost, you alright ?" Alexa's voice asked shaking me awake and I jumped back from the surprise. "Hey calm down it's just me and I turned off the cameras." Alexa told me letting me out of the cell. I sat shaking from the memories the things I could have changed, but now I have to leave the past where it is, my mind started racing, I had to think to remember what was real and what was a dream. "No, no no no." I groaned quietly trying to sperate my memories. "Frost you alright?" Nora walked into the pipeline and kneeling down in front of me and asked. I moved away from her as I started to see illusions, who they were. My mine screamed at me. "Frost, it's me, Nora ." The worried voice of Allegra told me as I blinked Allegra or Nora flickered before my eyes. It can't be Allegra she can't be this genuinely worried. I finally decided trying to trust Nora, "Hey, just focus on breathing, ok." Her soft voice told me as my heart beat started to slowly come down.
"Caity told me you don't get scared easily, what had you so scared?" Alexa asked me when Nora had left again. I wasn't in the mood to talk so I just sat back in the cell, "You know, the rest of team flash said you were a talker I guess they were wrong." Alexa told me locking my cell. "The rest of team flash was obviously wrong then." I muttered under my breath. I saw Alexa roll her eyes out of the corner of my eye, but she didn't comment. She turned around to leave then turned her had back, "Later Frosty." Alexa smiled then left.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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