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"You ready?" Hobbs asks Alex as he leads the charge towards the police station.
"Hell Yeah!," Alex says with a smirk before Hobbs turns, crashing through the first gate then knocking down the second. Brian and Dom follow behind Hobbs through the parking garage. Hobbs crashes through the wall creating a hole before reversing out of it. Dom and Brian back up to the hole before getting out of their cars. Hobbs, Alex, and Elena get out of their car as they fire at the officers running their way while Brian and Dom take off with the vault.

They leave to go find Dom and Brian. They find Dom and Brian on a bridge with nothing but destruction around them. Reyes falls out of the car as Hobbs gets out of his.
"Help me," Reyes begs Hobbs as Alex runs over to Brian, giving him a hug, glad to see that they are alive.
"That's for my team, you son of a bitch," Hobbs says as he shoots Reyes twice in the head, while Alex hugs Dom as well. Hobbs and Elena walk over to Brian, Alex, and Dom. "It's a hell of a mess."
"Yeah, it is," Brian agrees with him.
"You know I can't let you three go. I ain't made that way," Hobbs tells them before looking at Alex, who has a frown on her face. He knew then that he wouldn't be able to arrest her. "The way I see it, you've earned yourselves 24 hours. The money stays, though. If I were you, I'd use the time. Make peace with whatever demons you got left. Because come tomorrow, I will find you." Brian and Dom quickly get into the car as Alex stops at the door. "Parker!" Alex looks back at Hobbs. "I'll see you soon." Alex runs over to Hobbs before kissing him on the cheek.
"No you won't," Alex says with a smirk causing Hobbs to look at her confused before she winks at him getting into the car. Brian takes off as Hobbs and Elena walk over to the vault. Hobbs opens the vault to find it empty. Hobbs realizes that Alex rode with them to keep them distracted. Hobbs then remembers what he heard over the walkie about the ten second window. Dom and Brian had slid the real vault into the back of the garbage truck that Gisele was driving. Tego and Santos, who were on either side of the garbage truck attached the fake vault to Brian's and Dom's cars. Hobbs lets out a laugh as he turns to watch the car drive off in the distance.

The team gathers around as Tej and Alex work on opening the safe.
"Come on baby," Tej says as he grabs the print since Alex had bypassed the code. "Don't be mean." Alex looks around at her family to see Brian by Mia's side with Dom not far from them. She sees Rome sitting on a set of stairs then Han and Gisele beside each other. She then looks at Tego and Santos sitting on another set of stairs as Tego plays with a deck of cards. Alex then turns back to her brother as he places the print on the scanner before using his hand to press it down. There is the sound of something unlocking causing everyone to look around at each other. Tej opens the door causing the money to start to fall out. Tego's cards fly everywhere from his shock. Han and Gisele smile at each other while Brian and Mia kiss. Rome jumps around as he cheers before he and Alex share a hug. Santos cheers in Spanish. Dom smiles as he looks up as he thinks about Vince.

Rosa, Vince's wife, returns home to find a million dollars sitting on her table. She picks up a note that says in Portuguese, 'For Rosa and Nico. See you soon, Uncle Dom.'

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