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Chloe Bourgeois is commonly known as a blonde-haired, blue eyed, stuck up brat, who always gets what she wants because of her status. What is her status might you ask? Well she is the mayors daughter. Yup I know, a blue-eyed Blondie as mayors daughter, well that would usually mean a stuck up brat, who calls for her 'daddy' every time she doesn't get her way.

A certain blue-bell would usually agree with you there if she couldn't see through her act. See this blue-bell eyed girl can see through and read people easily. Chloe barely has any friends, her only friends include the oblivious cinnamon roll Adrien Agreste, and the nice nerdy orange haired girl who can't seem to get it into her head that she's being used. Her name in Sabrina Raincomprix.

Adrien and Chloe have been friends since childhood, more specifically diapers.  Because of their parents position in the world they where sort of forced to become friends. Adrien knows how nice Chloe used to be, in fact Chloe never even screamed 'DADDYKINS' nor 'ADRIKINS' once until her mom moved away.

Sabrina and Chloe have been friends since middle school, or at least that's what Sabrina thinks. In reality Chloe is just using her as a servant. Poor Sabrina, she just needs to grow guts, her dad is the head of police chief after all.

Chloe is currently in her junior year of high school, but really shes just an insecure and very depressed teen girl who's jealous of our favorite blueberry.

Yes Chloe is jealous of the Klutz named Marinette Dupain-Cheng, why? its simple really. Everyone loves the blue-eyed girl. She has real friends, or what she thinks is real, a loving family, and last but certainly not least, shes like an angel. (who will more then 100% likely be way to over powered. To the point where its inhumanly impossible. Cause the author loves making Dupain-Cheng over here overpowered. but in secret. anyways back to the story.)

Chloe takes her jealousy out by bullying Mari, but in reality she regrets it greatly every time, and just wishes to be friends with our sweet little angel.

Little does Chloe know, her life is about to change and slip down that road forever....

So will Marinette's, people turning on her left, right, and center, due to a certain liar, with a surname that just so happens to be Rossi.


maybe its not a bad thing, who knows? Only time can tell.

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