Chapter 10

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"So, I downloaded an app-"

"Well done, dear. You never cease to amaze me."

Emma rolled her eyes, tugging lightly at the dark locks she was currently stroking.

"I downloaded an app." Emma said a little louder, lest Regina try to cut her off again. "To track the pregnancy and find out how big the baby's getting. Wanna hear how big the baby is this week? It's the size of a raspberry."

Regina shifted, head digging into Emma's thigh as she looked up at the woman currently staring at her phone. Emma looked down and grinned, proudly displaying a picture of a raspberry on her phone.

"That's how big our baby is."

"I'll never be able to look at a raspberry the same way again." Regina said flatly, looking back down at the crossword she'd been doing. "What else does your insightful little app tell you?"

Emma resumed stroking Regina's hair, nails lightly scraping against her scalp as she read.

"You are eight weeks, six days pregnant. You are still within the first trimester of your pregnancy and your due date is in 228 days from now."

"Oh, Gods. Please refrain from continuing if you're going to inform me of how many more days I'm to live with this nausea."

Emma chuckled.

"Sorry." She said, leaning forward and kissing Regina's forehead before straightening and resuming reading. "Congratulations! You are now 8 weeks pregnant! Even though your tiny baby is only the size of a raspberry, your clothes may now be feeling a little tight on your abdomen."

Emma ignored the snort from below. Regina's clothes were definitely getting a little snug, but that was bound to happen when everything you owned was skin tight.

"That is because your uterus was the size of your fist before pregnancy, but now it has grown to the size of an orange-" She said.

"Seriously? How large are their oranges? An orange is roughly the size of one's fist."

"Not according to these people. Body changes. A heightened sense of smell is very common and may piggyback on other symptoms like morning sickness and food aversions. I guess that explains why you told my mom her strawberry feta salad smelled like shit."

"I did not say that. I said it smelled like a backed up septic tank."

Emma laughed.

"You're such an asshole, but my mom's face was pretty funny."

Regina bites her lip to keep from laughing, tickled as she remembered Snow's horrified expression. Emma looked back to the app, continuing her reading.

"Your breasts may have grown large enough that you'll need bigger bras with better support than your old ones." Emma halted looking over at Regina's chest, trying to gauge if they'd gotten big enough that she'd needed to buy another bra. They definitely looked much bigger, but it was hard to tell with Regina on her back. "Have you had-"

"That's none of your concern, Miss Swan."

"Maybe I should check to see. You know, making sure they're growing properly."

Regina snorted.

"Suddenly you're a doctor?"

"Well, I've played doctor with you-"

"Do cease that sentence before I cease your existence."

Emma grinned, looking back to her phone.

"Yes, your Majesty."

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