
909 23 6

TW: Mention of ED and Thoughts of sùiç ide
Bennett's Pov:

Sometimes I do feel that I'm useless like nobody in the world would care if I was gone.

All I do is bring misfortune onto others and cause trouble for myself so what would it matter.

Yet, here I am in the forest somehow finding motivation to go adventure.

It usually ends up like this where I have no idea what I'm doing but it sometimes works out in the end if I'm careful.

"Sometimes" This word appears in my head frequently I now notice.

But anyways, sitting here under a tree isn't doing me anything...

I better head out to do something if I wanna call it adventuring.

It might even be better to try and enjoy myself and be peppy! Even if it really won't help me at least I look like I'm doing better in front of others...

Hmm even though sometimes others will still see me as weak and annoying it's worth it to try.

Rule number one in my life is to make sure others don't think I'm some quiet kid who gets bullied.

But I feel as though I might have already broken that rule a bit since I do get bullied but at least I'm not quiet...


But enough self pity today because that will do nothing for me.

I kick the pinecone below my feet in the other direction as I get up from the cold stone I was sitting on.

The weather is actually pretty good today.

There is a nice breeze but the sun is still out which makes for a warm, yet cool day.

Hmm maybe going adventuring today wasn't that bad of an idea after all!

I lift my head up and look around a bit noticing the landmarks aren't familiar.

Where am I even right now?

I feel my self start to panic a bit but remember I have a map.

I open up my map to check the landmarks once again and notice that I am right outside of wolvendom.

Glad I now know where I am, I take in a sigh of relief.

Hmmm now what?

I look up to make sure no entity is approaching then put my map back in my bag.

I head towards the edge of a nearby cliff and notice a gang of hilichurls at the bottom of it guarding a chest.

Perfect! I can hopefully secure a chest and get some masks!

I begin jumping up and down in excitement not noticing how close I am to the steep edge.

I should-

"wait- AHHHHHHH" I yell slipping and tumbling down the side of the steep mountain.

Somehow, by a miracle, I'm able to catch hold of the cliff halfway down.

But by now the hilichurls have noticed me and are now dancing around like they are at a school prom.

So much for my surprise attack...

Hmph! Bummer! My head tilts in disappointment.

I can still drop down on them though...

Yea... that should work!?

I let go and glide a little closer over top of them and then plunge downwards onto them doing a significant amount of damage.

Why do you care? (Razor x Bennett)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora