Chapter 1

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No one's POV:

In the forest outside of Pure Heart Valley, Mao Mao, now a young adult, was training with his two deputies, Badgerclops and Adorabat. Holding one of his throwing stars, he yells, "Badgerclops, think fast!" He throws the throwing star towards Badgerclops, who responds with a yelp in terror as he ducked down. He got back up after the throwing star flew above him and muttered, "Man, I hate this game." Adorabat watched where the throwing star was going and yells, "I'll get it." She began to fly to where it was and soon finds it attached to a tree. She tried to pull it out safely, but the throwing star broke in half. She grew nervous and lies, "Uh, Mao Mao, some monster came over here and broke your throwing star."

"Not again! Hold on, I'm coming." Mao Mao said in an angry tone as Adorabat tried to put it back together. She then heard loud music as she began to follow it, leaving the broken throwing star alone. She flew to the loud music until she finds herself in an open area with a white and purple trailer at the end. She observed the trailer and saw a picture of a tabby cat, a female chinchilla, a short male hamster, and a big male wolf printed on the side of the trailer. She then heard talking and follows it, leading her to the same animals from the trailer, talking about the concert they will have soon. She then noticed that they were practicing on some songs.

She sneaks closer to hear the tabby cat saying, "Alright, if you really rock so hard, let's see you keep up with this!" The tabby cat grabbed her purple guitar with black cat prints on it as she played her guitar. Adorabat listened as the chinchilla brought out her own guitar and keeps up.

The hamster and wolf watched them, getting ready to play as the tabby cat sings,
"Yeah! I came to rock! I got the fire! Raging inside me and it's burning strong!"

The chinchilla smirked as she sings,
"I never stop! I'm a live wire! Yeah I can rock until the morning comes!"

Adorabat was fascinated by the rock music. "Whoa...." She gasps in delight as the tabby sings,

The chinchilla sings afterwords,
"I'm not just sweet and HARMONIOUS! I! ROCK! HARD!"

The tabby cat did an epic guitar riff as the wolf and hamster continued along with drums playing. Adorabat was smiling in awe as her mouth opened with delight. After that, the tabby cat ends up winning. The chinchilla chuckled a bit and says, "I can't be surprised to be beaten by you once again, Tabby." Tabby chuckled and says, "No surprise there." Soon, they heard heavy breathing as they turned to see a star strucked Adorabat looking at them in awe. Tabby went over to the bat and says, "Hey, little bat. What's up-?"

Adorabat flew up closer to Tabby's face 2 inches away and yells, "YOU. WERE. SO. COOL! I never seen anyone play a guitar like you do! You and your band are SOOO incredible!" Tabby was a bit taken back from that, but smiled and says, "Aw, thanks little dudette." Adorabat moved away from her face and asks, "What are you guys?" The hamster brags, "Well, we're the world's greatest band ever: the Wreckers!" The wolf nodded as he replied, "We're basically a band of rockers." Adorabat was more awe from that, until she heard a familiar voice yelling, "Adorabat!"

She turns to see Mao Mao with Badgerclops looking for her until he sees her. She flew to him and says, "Hey Mao Mao! I met an amazing band and their performance was so great and-" Mao Mao cuts her off and says, "Adorabat, you know more than to run off like that! You could've gotten yourself lost!" Adorabat looked down a bit and says, "I'm sorry, Mao Mao. I listened to a sound of music and it led me to them." She lifts her wing up to the Wreckers as Tabby waved at him with a grin. Mao Mao grew annoyed and went to the Wreckers before scolding, "What do you think you're doing in the middle of the forest?"

"Uh, practicing? Duh." Tabby replied with a mocking tone, making Mao Mao more annoyed and says, "Hey! I didn't say you can make that tone to me. You lead my deputy out of my sight with your "music". What are you? Hypnotizes?" Tabby laughs and says, "Nah, we're a band, bro."

"Don't call me bro." Mao Mao muttered as Badgerclops was laughing from that. Tabby smirked a bit and says, "Bro." "STOP CALLING ME BRO!" Mao Mao yelled as Tabby laughed. "Dudette, you almost look like the grumpy boi." The hamster said as he examines the two cats. "Mike, stop resembling our lead singer to someone we barely know."

The chinchilla said to the hamster known as Mike, who chuckled nervously in return. The wolf looks at Mao Mao and says, "We're sorry that we lead your kid here with us. We were just practicing." "Practice? On hypnotizing people with your music?" Mao Mao said, but Tabby groaned and says, "No, you dimwit. We were practicing for a concert." Mao Mao grew angry and was about to say a word, but Badgerclops covered his mouth and asks, "Concert?"

"Yeah. We were gonna do a concert at Pure Heart Valley." Mike said to the three before Badgerclops says, "Dude, we basically live there as deputies and sheriff. We can lead you there after practice." The band were surprised until Mao Mao got off Badgerclops' grip and yells, "No we will not! They have insulted us and I will NOT let that slide." "We can give you guys backstage passes." The wolf said before Badgerclops and Adorabat both yelled, "Deal!"

Mao Mao growled a bit as he looks at Tabby for a bit. He could have sworn that he saw her before, but when? Letting out a sigh, he says, "Fine. We'll take you to Pure Heart Valley, BUT you have to answer a simple request. We need to know your names if you guys are not evil." The band murmured to themselves until they said, "Ok." The chinchilla first spoked, "So, my name is Jennifer, a second singer and guitarist, but if you want to, call me Jen." The wolf went next and says, "My name is Mitch and I'm a drummer."

Mike held his hand up and says, "I'm Mike, but you already knew that, and I'm the second drummer." Tabby then spoked last, "And I am the lead singer and best guitarist who ever lived: Tabby." That left Mao Mao in shock as it echoed, "Tabby" in his head.

//To Be Continued...//

My Rockstar: A Mao Mao x Oc Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now