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"I'm fine," Alex argues with a nurse as she makes her way to Hobbs' room. "You wrapped my arm. I'm good to go." Alex enters Hobbs' room to find him in two casts. "Oh my god."
"Miss," The nurse tries as Alex rushes over to Hobbs.
"Alex, thank god you're okay," Hobbs says as she grabs his hand.
"She should be resting," The nurse says causing Alex to glare at the nurse. "She lost a lot of blood."
"I'm fine," Alex says again as she rolls her eyes.
"Alex," Hobbs says giving her a stern look.
"Fine. I'll rest as long as I get to stay in here," Alex says as she crosses her arms, slightly wincing due to the cut in her arm.
"Fine," The nurse agrees, giving up, leaving the room.
"Mama!" A little boy yells as he runs into the room before Alex quickly pulls him into a hug. Hobbs looks at her in shock.
"I'm okay. I'm right here," Alex says as she runs her fingers through his hair soothing him. Hobbs clears his throat causing Alex to blush because she forgot he was in the room. She knew that Hobbs would meet her son one day, she just didn't expect to be this soon. Alex had found out that she was pregnant when she was doing the bank robbery. That's why she took the money and ran. "Thorin this is Agent Luke Hobbs. Luke this is my son, Thorin." Though she had turned his father in, she still named her son after his father.
"You're right," Thorin says as he looks up at Alex with a smile. "He is big and strong like Thor!" Hobbs laughs as Alex blushes. Thorin goes to sit beside Hobbs before he sees the tv. "Can we watch Thor?"
"We sure can," Hobbs tells him with a smile before Thorin climbs into the bed with Hobbs, causing Alex to smile. They watch the movie before Thorin falls asleep.
"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you before," Alex says as she watches Thorin, sleeping peacefully. "No one besides, you and my brother know."
"He's a great kid," Hobbs says with a smile.
"Yeah, he is," Alex says in agreement before she frowns. "I just hope he doesn't turn out like his father. That's why he hasn't met the team."
"Who's his father?" Hobbs asks confused, wondering if it is someone on the team.
"A bank robber. Thorin Ackles," Alex answers him, honestly. "I met him while I was undercover to bring his team down. I found out I was pregnant. I turned him and his team in before running with the money."
"Wow," Hobbs says as he takes in the truth. "I think he's going to turn out great regardless of if he meets the team or not because he has you as a mom."
"Thank you," Alex says with tears in her eyes before Hobbs squeezes her hand.
"Though I do understand why you haven't told anyone," Hobbs tells her honestly, causing her to look at him confused.
"Dad!" A girl, a few years older than Thorin, says as she runs into the room. Alex smiles as she realizes that her and Hobbs aren't much different on protecting those who they love the most. Thorin wakes up before crawling into Alex's lap.
"Samantha, I want you to meet some people," Hobbs says with a smile after they hug. "Samantha this is Alexandra Parker and her son Thorin."
"This is Alex?" Samantha asks with a smile on her face causing Hobbs to nod. "She's even prettier than you described." Alex blushes as she smiles, looking over at Hobbs, who smiles back.

"Shattered his collarbone, fractured his leg in two places," Elena explains to Dom as she leads him to Hobbs' and Alex's room. "Alex has a deep cut on her right arm but other than that she is fine. Hobbs only regained consciousness this morning. The first thing he said to me was 'Get me Dom'. They're in here." Alex smiles as Dom walks into the room, glad to see that he is okay after his house exploding. "Got something for you. Your files," Elena says as she walks into the room.
"Thank you," Hobbs tells her as he takes the files before handing them to Alex, who starts reading them.
"You risk life and limb to save the free world and what do they give you?" Dom asks as he looks at Hobbs and Alex. "Jell-O and a bad '70s TV show." They look at the TV to see Hulk come on screen causing Hobbs to chuckle.
"You know it's got its perks," Hobbs tells him before he glances at Alex. "Sponge baths ain't that bad."
"Dad!" Samantha calls from her spot in the corner beside Thorin.
"I'm sorry, baby," Hobbs says as he and Dom look at her.
"Dad?" Dom asks confused.
"Honey, I want to introduce you to somebody. He's a, uh... He's an old friend. Go on and say hello," Hobbs introduces them.
"Dominic Toretto, Right?" Samantha asks as she stands in front of Dom. "My dad said he kicked your ass once."
"Young lady, watch your mouth," Hobbs scolds her as Dom looks over at him before he shrugs.
"Your dad's on heavy pain meds," Dom says causing Hobbs and Alex to laugh. "I can understand if his history is a little hazy."
"I doubt it," Samantha retorts causing Dom to smile.
"All right, honey, that's enough," Hobbs scolds her again.
"My mom says it was an even fight," Thorin says causing Alex to smile before she shrugs as Hobbs looks at her.
"Mom?" Dom asks confused before he looks at Alex.
"Dom, I'd like you to meet my son," Alex says as she stands behind Thorin. "This is Thorin."
"He looks so tough," Thorin says excitedly causing Alex, Dom, and Hobbs to laugh.
"I want you to go get something to eat with Elena and Samantha while me, Hobbs, and Toretto have a talk. You hear me," Alex tells him causing him to nod.
"Come on, kiddos. Lets get some cookies," Elena tells her before they leave the room.
"Who did this?" Dom asks as he steps closer to the bed.
"You remember Owen Shaw?" Hobbs asks him back. "The one we tore half of London down trying to get. Well, this is his big bad brother."
"Take a look at this," Alex says as she hands the files to Dom.
"Deckard Shaw," Dom says as he looks at the profile.
"British Special Forces assassin," Alex explains as she holds back a shiver. "The kind of unique asset that no government would ever admit to employing."
"Black Ops Boys," Dom says in understanding.
"Worse. They created a monster," Hobbs corrects him. "They felt Shaw was a necessary evil until eventually they decided he was unnecessary. The powers that be felt that he knew just a little bit too much. The asset became a liability. So they sent in 20 elite operatives to retire him."
"And they missed," Dom guesses.
"That was six years ago, and Shaw's been a ghost ever since," Alex says in agreement.
"Until now," Dom states. "How do I find him?"
"The official answer is, you don't," Hobbs answers him.
"He killed Han," Dom tells him. "Almost killed my family."
"He also tried to put me and Alex in body bags too," Hobbs interrupts him. "Which is why when I get out, I'm gonna put a hurt on him so bad he's gonna wish his mama had kept her legs closed. But until then, my official answer to you is stand down."
"Now, you know I can't do that," Dom tells him.
"I do know you, Dom," Hobbs says with a nod. "Which is why now I give you the brother to brother answer. You do whatever it is you gotta do. When you find that sumbitch, just do me two favors."
"What's that?" Dom asks him.
"Watch out for Alex and don't miss," Hobbs answers him, causing Alex to look at him shocked, surprised he is letting her go that easily.


Brian stands beside Tej, Alex, and Rome as Dom walks up to Han's casket.
"They say to live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die," Dom says as he places Gisele's photo on the casket. "But he put you in this grave. So now I'll do the same to him." Dom then touches his head and chest in a cross motion.
"I can't do no more funerals," Rome says as he, Brian, Alex, and Tej watch.
"First Han. Now Hobbs is laid up, of all people. My sister got hurt," Tej says as he shakes his head. "We're being hunted." Dom notices a car slowly driving through the cemetery. "You know he's out there somewhere watching, right?"
"I hope so," Brian says in agreement. "Means he's close."
"Just promise me, Brian," Rome says as he looks at him. "No more funerals."
"Just one more," Alex says as she looks at her family. "His."

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