Why men

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Fuck I overslept again. I will be late and its only my first week in uni. It gone off swimmingly my boyfriend broke up with me I had my luggage lost on the way my roommate never showed up. I guess that's a plus I don't have to share a room . I through my hair into a messy bun and put on my clothes from yesterday. Grabbed my bag and ran out the room. On my way to my first class I saw him my ex boyfriend standing there with a
new chick. They will be very happy together I tell myself . After class I meet up with Charlotte and Alex my best friends and we get coffee and hang out for a bit we go back to my room. Shit I forgot my key in the cafe we got to get back I have class in 30 minutes and I have no books for it. I go get my key and run back to my room grab my books and get to class just as the door closes. I guess I am missing class then I head over to the dining hall and eat lunch

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