Explanation of Wicked, Saints, and Neutrals AU

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Blog Entry #001 July 3rd, 1:25AM MST username: ndmitrivof1889

I am writing this in the king-size bed my husband and I share in our modest Moscow apartment, in the dark with the sounds of police sirens in the background. My laptop is missing the 'w' and 'e' keys, which makes it difficult to type without having to look back and fix misspelled words. Curse this faulty autocorrect program, it lies. My goodness, I really need a cup of coffee, I am so exhausted. My husband snores so loudly I cannot sleep, which is why I am wide awake.
My apologies, I should introduce myself to you, dear reader. My name is Nikola Dmitrivof, one of the administrators of this blog. I am a Neutral, a husband to my Wicked lover, and a proud transgender man and inventor.
Most of the people reading the posts on this account will know what I am talking about when I describe the labels I use. But, some of you may not. You may be asking, what is a Neutral? What is a Wicked? Why am I even discussing this on a blog that isn't mainstream yet? Well, allow me to explain it all to you, if I may.

My world is one of many anchor points in the multiverse that forms the places where I, other Neutrals, reformed Wickeds, and Saints live. It's complicated to explain, but in the most basic terms, the Earth is sort of a convergence point, with magick that allows several timelines and existences to function. An example of this would be if a Saint like the legendary Hercules wanted to go back in time to visit Ancient Greece. He could do that using the time travel system, state of the art bullet trains called the Past, Present, and Future Expresses. He would be able to go whenever and wherever, for no cost. Each world has this railway, easy and free to use for anyone. Normal modern technology, cities, governments, and everyday luxuries still exist, much to the fascination of most of the population, who have come from far off lands and eras in history or extraterrestrial worlds. That clears up any confusion in terms of how my multiverse works, but I still have not gone into detail about politics. Let me, please.

There are three main classifications that are used in our universes. Saints, heroes or lawful citizens, who abide and uphold the righteous and just. They are what we are told to strive to be, to listen to the government, to do good like them. But, the bulk of the populations is not perfect, like the Saints are. Neutrals, like myself, consist of average people. Some are more inclined to chaos than others, following certain laws, but doing what they please. They're considered dispensable, lesser than the Saints but above villains.
Then, there's the Wickeds. They are the lowest class, the most mistreated and rejected members of society. Criminal masterminds, advocates of genocidal racism or zealots of religion, loan sharks and con artists, poachers, abusers and manipulators, gods and sorcerers, dissidents, anybody who could be called a villain, is a Wicked. I stated earlier that my husband is a former Wicked, which is true. What do you mean, Nikola, former Wicked? You can turn villains into obedient servants of the law, who don't commit crimes anymore?

Yes and no, my friend. I must explain the way our bureaucracy is arranged, before I answer your question. Certain privileged Saints were offered positions of rule in a parliament years ago, before I was born. This independent party would act as a judicial court and senate, who would dictate everything in the multiverse. They are above Mickey and Minnie Mouse, who are only public faces for the mice. The couple have minor authority as the presidents, working closely with the elected Saints to run the worlds with peace and stability. They are called the Court of Saints, the ones who hold the power. It was decided that it would be best for the government to be run this way, for a reason I do not know. Practicality maybe? Simplicity, or a laziness to take charge? I have no clue, in all honesty, which is rare for me. Moving on though, the Court of Saints had started a campaign a few decades ago, relating to how the villains of the multiverse should be handled. In public opinion, it was agreed that those who didn't repent for their crimes or vow to alter their lifestyles, would be charged for each offence and punished with prison time. Well, the bulk of them didn't see a purpose in changing a thing, so they were sentenced to be committed into a hybrid asylum and jail, known as the Venom Institute. Thus, the Wickeds were born. A Neutral would be appointed to work with the imprisoned villains, to make them see the error in their ways and fix it. Except, it wasn't light sailing, for either party. Every manager of Venom either left, were murdered or committed suicide, fell into cahoots with the Wickeds, or stayed and created a brand new way of running things, like my sister did. She was the only one able to 'convert'  the residents of the Institute successfully, and she went on to shed light about the abuse, trauma, chaos, and hellish circumstances that were inside the prison's doors. The horrid, squalid treatment the Wickeds received from the public. How they couldn't even walk down the street, buy groceries, or apply for a job without being harassed, aggravated, or beaten. She's uploaded that post somewhere on the blog, but I can't find it. I'll have to phone and ask when it's morning for her in London.

Venom is still up and running, holding famous and unknown characters to this day. My own husband, John Silver, was one of the Wickeds who was in the exodus that my sister started last summer. She's still the manager there, working against the Court of Saints to help the Wickeds trapped at Venom go incognito or get out. She's more on their side, than the heroes, and so am I. Her operation is brilliant, in my mind, it truly is. Molly Davidson cannot stand to see injustice or suffering, even if it is amongst Wickeds. And suffer do those people endure. I won't get into a debate on this platform about this, it isn't worth my time. Rather, I'm going to leave it here. Please, my readers, message me if you have any questions. My inventions and experiments can wait, this is much more exciting.

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