The Story

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Everyone had voted correctly except for Bokuto. He voted for himself he couldn't handle having to vote for his boyfriend. Bokuto could hardly see through the blur of tears in his eyes but he knew he was looking at Kuroo. "Why did you do it Tetsu!" Bokuto shouted though his tears. "They were planning to kill you I overheard them saying that they were gonna kill you." Kuroo said mocking the two recently deceased, "I'm so sorry Kou." Bokuto was stunned tears pouring down his face, "T-tetsu please I don't w-want to lose you t-" 
"Upupupupupu. He got caught owl boy. He's gotta take the punishment that's the rules." Monokuma the retched bear interjected. Kuroo smirked, "Just get the execution over and done with." 
"Take me instead please!" Bokuto shouted though his plethora of tears. 
"No can do buckaroo." Monokuma laughed "Rooster-head over here got caught so he's got to take the punishment." 
"NO PLEASE!!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING!!!" Bokuto's kneeling on the floor now his tears soaking his clothes, "D-don't leave m-me Tetsu…… please" 
"I-I'm sorry Kou" Kuroo stuttered, "T-take m-m-my hand b-b-b-babe." Bokuto looked up at his boyfriend, who's now crying too, taking his hand. Kuroo pulled the slightly shorter boy in for a hug. "I'm so so so sorry Kou I should have thought I'm so fucking stupid." Kuroo mumbles into Bokuto's spikey hair. 
"Listen to me Tetsurou! You are not stupid you are far from it but…..p-please don't l-l-leave me…" Bokuto yells at his boyfriend, grabbing his cheeks, still crying uncontrollably. 
"Sorry Kou I-I can't st-stay." Kuroo splutters, kissing the top of Bokuto's head. Kuroo pulls a obvious fake smile at him and turns to Monokuma. "Start the execution Monokuma." Kuroo says looking back at Bokuto, "I'm ready for it." 
Bokuto looks at Kuroo with sadness as he said that. Kuroo pulls another obvious fake smile. At that fake smile Bokuto pulls Kuroo's face down to his own and into a passionate kiss. Kuroo kisses back and once they pulled away he walks to the exit. 
"You lovebirds done?" Monokuma asks out of the blue. 
"Y-yeah you can start it now for d-definite this time." Kuroo says looking back at Bokuto tears clouding both their eyes. 
"Alright now GIVE IT UP FOR…………. PUNISHMENT TIIIIIIIME!!!!!" Monokuma shouts taking a hammer and smashing the red button. 
A big metal claw emerges out of the darkness and headed straight for Kuroo's neck. 
"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Bokuto shouts trying his best to reach out to his boyfriend.

(and there we go it's done during the execution Bokuto's screaming and crying wanting to save Kuroo)

Kuroo's execution: He's in a Chemistry Lab and he has to answer 5 questions if he got them wrong he would be injured. Kuroo answers the first 3 right but with each question they get harder. He gets the last 2 questions wrong and gets hurt a bit (a few deep bleeding cuts and a few bruises). 
Then he is presented with 2 suringes one that has a highly deadly poison that works in 2 minutes and a pain killer. Kuroo tries to reach for the pain killer but a Monokuma cat appears out of no where and knocks it of the table. Thinking he can outsmart Monokuma, Kuroo goes to knock the poison of the table but the Monokuma cat won't let this happen, they grab the poison and inject Kuroo with it then disappears into the darkness. 
As soon as Kuroo is injected with the poison Monokuma desides to let Bokuto go to him. Bokuto runs up to Kuroo holding him in his arms still crying. They talk for a bit and right before Kuroo dies he whispers "I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you Kou." after he dies it fades to black as Bokuto's clutching Kuroo's lifeless body in his arms.

(after the execution Bokuto's covered in Kuroo's blood and Monokuma has to forcefully drag him away from the body, still crying Bokuto staggers to his room and sees a note on his bed saying ‘look under the bed -Tetsurou’ he then looks under the bed and there's a cat plushie that resembles Kuroo with another note saying ‘Now I'll always be with you Kou’)

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