Part 1

10 2 1

 alr so i will be writing a story rn cuz im bored so here we go

but first your character design ig tis is a crossover of alotta stuff so imma just say whatever

you have short white hair and bright green eye with one other being blue trigger warning for this will be ur one and only tw

looks very femine but also is masculine at same time

gender male dosnt realy care tbh

pronouns he they or dost care

ultimate escape artist can break out of almost anything in there way and even prison cells

age 16 neo world, irl 19

is Gay (dosnt wish to dislose ctually sexuality) and acesexual

personality : takes after people around them persoalitys but the bits of there own personality is passive agressive at times and stubburn

blackened? victem? surviver? mastermind? trator?

who knows?

backstory ig

he grew up around violence and learning the real world was cruel and unforgiving nobody could be trusted. His parents tried to keep him away from everything they had gotten into but no matter how many lies were told there addiction always showed. When he was 8 he was being sexually abused by a cousin and this went on for years until he was 12 when the abuser had finally stopped. At home there was always a mess but noneless hopeful that he would get out. in school he actually passed a little but eventually gave up on grades. soon they began getting arrested for petty crimes and such on was never held for any longer that two days every time they would escape they decided the leave that life of crime and gotten scouted for hope's peak academy

oh also name is juzo akamora

there in dv3 and yeah personality wise idk

ima do a mixture of danganronpa 3 and 2 maybe that or do 2 first then when i get done with this move on to 3 idrk

anway story time

(early morning)

you wake up on the floor and immediately go back to bed the next time you wake up a parent is yelling for u to get ready for school ur first day at hopes peak academy you tiredly get up and grab some clothing and throw it on i was u had a oversized black and white striped t shirt that u tucked in and pulled out a little and some black cargo pants.


there u are hopes peak academy wasting no time you step in when you feel a overwhelming sense of nausia as little black dots apeer in your sight slowy fading until u pass out .

end maybe idk im writing this in class rn o yeah also i cant see what im typing because of the fact put my phont so tiney to not get caught

also short cuz im doing it in class ofc

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