200 bodies

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"ÇYLLIX!"I screamed as i woke up in a cold sweat, panting heavily with my eyes darting back and forth throughout my whole bedroom as my hemo-pumper pounded heavily in my chest and my fuchsia fins and gills flutter frantically. I place my hand onto my forehead as I slow my breaths down to a normal speed. As soon as I got my breaths slowed down I got out of my recupericoon and walked to the ablution trap and took a shower to clear my mind of what happened only 4 sweeps ago that won't stop reappearing in my dreams. I turn the shower on and lean on the edge of the sink as I wait for the water to get hotter. After a few minutes of waiting, the water finally was hot enough for me. I stripped out of my sleep apparel and hopped into the shower and began cleansing myself. I close my eyes and let the water bead down my body as I wash the sopor out of my hair. As I'm washing my hair I hear a knock on my door. Who in the hell could that be at this hour of the day? I think to myself. I finish washing the slime and shampoo conditioner mix out of my hair and hop out of the shower. As I am grabbing a towel to wrap around my body a hear a few more knocks at the front door of my hive, but they sound louder then before. "Jutht a moment!" I yell from the bathroom while wrapping the towel around my body. I rush out of the bathroom and into the living room to the front door and open it to be greeted with three cloaked figures, one smaller then me and the other two a few inches taller then me. "Hello? Uhm who are you three?" I ask, my fuchsia fins now pinned back slightly in fear. "None of your business" the smallest one said in an angered tone. "Um, excuthse me? I am Amelia Kitune and I am a royal blood you are talking to, I think it ITHS my buthsineths, althso why are you three cloaked?" I ask, my fins and gills now fluttering slightly in fear. "II'm thsorry, what he meanths iiths...uhm...well fiirthst of all, my name iisth Thsollux Captor, hiiths name iiths Karkat Vantaths, and thiths one next two me iiths althso a royal blood. Hiiths name iiths Eriidan Ampora." Sollux said with his lisp making most of his words barely understandable. I look to the taller of the three trolls at my door, he must be the youngest of the Amporas I have heard of... I look at him although I can't see his face and then i speak, "Young Ampora why are you hiding yourthself? You are a high blood you should be wearing your blood colour proudly." I say looking very unamused with the Ampora. "U-uhm, wwhale, uuuhm....I'm sorry..." Eridan said pulling his hood off. I look his face over and see that he also has...fins? Hmmm interesting, I had heard only very little about other royal bloods like him..... I think to myself. "What iths your quethst highblood? What made you and thethse two come to my hive of all plathseths?" I say, now standing up straight as I fix my towel so it doesn't slip. Eridan hung his head in shame slightly as he spoke. "Our hivves wwere all destroyed after the war and we have no place to stay, wwe havve been sorta as some trolls say, practically "Livven under a rock" for the last feww years...an wwhale I said maybe a royal blood wwould take us in, an uhm...here wwe are..." He said softly while looking down at his shoes. That's when the shortest of the three began speaking. "Basically what he is saying is, Would you mind if we stayed here since everyone else is being a bunch of assholes and not letting us stay even if we fucking asked nicely." I stare at them all and realize that Eridan is the only one with his hood down. "Before I even thsay a yeths or no I need to thsee your guyths' fathseths. Thso I don't feel in fear of my life..." I say looking at the other two. Karkat grumbles and takes his hood off. I see his horns and giggle softly to myself. Oh my cod his horns are so adorabubble I think to myself as I look at them. Next is the taller one, Sollux, who takes his cloaking garb off after Karkat. As he does so his hair comes out all poofy and tossed around. Next I notice his horns, he has a set of two horns on each side as well? Interesting.... I think to myself. I look over the shorter trolls faces and then sigh. "Yeah I guethsths you three can thstay...Aths long as you pick up after yourthselveths and don't leave a methsths. Althso I only have one bedroom...thsooo yeah. I have three recupericoonths though. Thso one of you will have to thshare my recupericoon with me each day you are here, deal?" I say looking them over one last time. The trio nods and then responds in unison "yes ma'am!" With that I move aside and let them inside. "I am gonna go finithsh taking my thshower that you guyths interrupted, alright? I'll be done in a few minuteths. Don't methsths with my stuff." I say as I walk down the hall into the Ablution trap again and turn the water back on. I shut the door and lean back on it as I wait for the water to get back to the correct temperature. I begin to sing the song 'Secrets by Mary Lambert' while I wait for the shower water to heat up. A few minutes later the water finally is the right temperature and I hop in and start cleaning myself off again while I continue to sing the same song. About ten minutes later I finish up with my shower and dry off. I wrap the same towel over my body again and head back down to my bedroom and shut the door and let my towel drop to the floor. I walk over to my dresser and grab a new pair of clothes consisting of a black and fuchsia tank top and a pair of black and fuchsia shorts. I change quickly and then brush my long sleek hair carefully watching out for my horns, and then pull it back into a messy bun. I walk over to my towel and then pick it up and put it in my clothes hamper and then walk out of my bedroom and head back into my living room where I find the three, looking starved, slightly traumatized and bored that's when I speak. "Thso, you guyths hungry? Thirthsty? Tired? How can I help you...?" I ask not sure of what to do. Eridan looks over to me and stares at my gills as he speaks, looking like he is spacing out "Uh, yeah if could you bring us some food and some wwater please, if it's not to much to ask for... If wwould like I can help you" he says now looking at your face waiting for a response. "Uhm thshore, thsounds good." I smiled as I walk to the kitchen. As we walk into the kitchen Eridan goes to the fridge and looks through it for some meat and some cheese while I go to my counter and grab a butter knife and eight slices of bread. After a few minutes we finish making a few sandwiches and pour a few glasses of water for us all and then head out to my living room. Me and Eridan set down the food and drinks and then sit down next to Sollux and Karkat. "I didn't know what you all wanted thso me and Eridan just made a few thsandwicheths...hope you like them." I say with a slight smile. We all grab a sandwich and begin eating them. Sollux looked at me and smiled as he spoke after finishing his food. "Thankths Ameliia!". I smiled back and spoke, "no problem Thsollux." I said as I grabbed my glass of water and took a sip from it. We sat there for a while and started to converse about nonsense and how life was for the ways that they lived in the past and how they were treated due to their blood colors. "So Ame, how come you don't have like servants for all of your needs?" Karkat asked with a curious expression plastered clearly on his face.

Eheheheheheh the cliffhangers though! XD sorry I needed to do thatare

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