chapter 1

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Moth yawned and stretches her wings before crawling out of bed, looking out the window to check the weather.

Stretching out her arms and lying then down by her side, she grabbed her robes and her bow, heading outside to meet up with the others.

Meeting up at the park, the rain began to sprinkle, "oh... Bad timing" Moth frowned, looking down to avoid getting rain on her face, Lance looked up, "What's wrong, Moth? "

"My wings are going to get wet! " Moth shouted before pulling her robe over her head

Floppy stood up from where she was, leaning against a small tree stump, "You won't be able to fly for a while, but why does it matter, where would you need to go? "

"it's just a bad feeling honestly... "

The three of them waited out the rain sprinkling down,

After winning the game of patience, Moth stood up and shook off her robes from the tiny rain drops that made it through the trees protection, "Eugh, sometimes I wish I didn't have these wings, but who am I to wish something like that? "

Floppy replied calmly "Your wings are very pretty, they blend in with the sea, Your very lucky to have them"
Floppy frowned.

Moth smiled, looking over to Lance  as he sat in the shade as the sun began to peek through the clouds.

As the sun began to fully shine through, the three of them followed after moth into a small tree house that she made.

Moth looked around, "The rain got in... "
Moth frowned and turned to Lance as he began to speak, "It'll dry soon! "

"Well yeah.. But I had something fun planned, the mountains are probably soaked... "

Floppy smiled, "But what about the plans we had with Ann? Im sure she's waiting at the mountains still.. "

"Yeah, that's where we were going at first, I'll have to sendout a crow for her, "

(When I say killua it's the same person as Ann, they just enjoy being called killua more :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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