lets not say goodbye

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The realisation just hit her. Whilst sitting here on this rooftop she realized that they were getting closer to defeating Hawkmoth, which also means getting closer in saying goodbye to chat noir, her partner, her best friend. She would have to say goodbye to her best friend, the person she trusts most in her life would be gone. Just the thought of it pained her heart. In this moment she doesn't know what she's most afraid of, Hawkmoth, or losing chat noir.

"Is everything alright Bugaboo," Chat noir asks, still admiring the view.

"I'm fine," she lies, but she knows she can't fool him anymore.

"Come on Bugaboo, I've known you for three years now. Its impossible to lie to me. I know you're not fine. What's troubling you M'lady," he turns to face her.

"Its just that were getting closer in finding out who Hawkmoth is every day--" she cuts herself off

"But isn't that a good thing?" Chat asks. "Then he can finally be stopped once and for all,"

"Yes but, what then, what happens to us?" She asks the fear evident behind her watery eyes. 

"What are you saying M'lady?" Ladybug can hear the concern in his voice.

"All I'm saying is there would be no reason to transform. So, what if we never see each other again after he's gone," she says as the hot tears begin to run down her face. "I couldn't live with that, you no longer being beside me," she sobs.

"You know I would never let that happen Bugaboo," he gets to his feet, and for a moment she thinks he's leaving, but then he takes her by the hands and pulls her to her feet. He looks straight into her eyes. "Even with Hawkmoth gone, because my life would be incomplete without you in it. So, even after he's gone and we are no longer needed, you're still going to find me sat on some rooftop just waiting for you to come join me," he says with a slight smile.

"Promise me," he bluebell eyes sparkle for a second before tears start to run down her face. She turns away from him but, chat grabs her by the arm and spins her back around to face him.

"Cat's honour," he says placing his hand on his heart, before pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Okay, because I can't bring myself to lose you again" she says as she pulls him in tighter.

"Cat's honor remember, but what do you mean again Bugaboo?" He looks down at her with confusion.

"Well there was that time with timebreaker where she erased you, Gamer 2.0, New York, Shanghai, and there was this time where you found out who I was and ended up getting akumatized- look that doesn't matter now, all I'm saying is that I can't lose you not again. My heart it can't--" she says as her sobs cut her off.

He pulls away her away from him slightly looking confused. She's getting ready for him to say something like 'why didn't you tell me about how you felt sooner' or 'How come you never tell me I was akumatized' she's waiting for something, but he doesn't say anything. He just looks at her searching her face for something, and then it softens, as he raises his hand to her face and wiping away her tears.

"I'm sorry I make you worry M'lady, it's just that I would risk my life over and over again if it meant that you're safe, but that doesn't matter now, what matters now is that were okay," he grabs her hands once more.

She pulls her hands away and she can see the hurt and confusion in his eyes. "But it does matter chat. I don't want you risking your life for me, I don't like seeing you in pain, don't you remember when you got cataclysmed in the ribs. What if next time i can't save you, what if-" her voice a little louder than she intended as she clinched her chest as a stream runs down her face.

"I'm sorry LB, but what are partners for?" He smiles. 

"You know you're more than just a partner to me chat noir, and you're not some shield either." She places her hands on his shoulders. "You're important to me,"

"As you keep reminding me M'lady," he pulls her in once more. "But what makes you think that we won't see each other again after he's gone?" He asks.

"Like I said before kitty our job would be done, Paris will be safe, which will lead to us saying goodbye," another tear rolls down her cheek, just thinking about the idea hurts. He then starts to smile. "What is it kitty?" She's confused that he could be so happy in this moment.

"Let's not say goodbye," he smiles.

"What?" She gives him another confused look.

"When he's gone, we won't say goodbye. Instead we'll still have nights like this just the two of us looking over Paris,"

She doesn't know how she got so lucky to have someone who knows exactly what to say in these moments.

"I like the sound of that kitty," she says with a weak smile.

"Whenever you want to talk like this no cat puns at all I'm always here" he says placing his hand on her shoulder. 

"I know chat," she raises her hand and places it on his shoulder. "Same goes for you too kitty, if you ever need to talk I'm here. I know just how hard this job can be. So when you need me, whenever, I'll be there,"

"I know M'lady,"

"Well, it's getting late. We should go home," she says not wanting this moment to end, but it's late and she has to be up early tomorrow to help out in the weekend rush I  the bakery.

"Same time tomorrow M'lady?" He asks, extending his stick folding his arms on top of it and leaning forwards.

"Yeah same time tomorrow," she smiles as she boos him o  the nose. "Goodnight chat noir,"

"Goodnight M'lady,"

And with that she zips of on her yo-yo with his words on repeat. She gets home and detransforms, flopping onto her bed as she does so.

"Wow chat noir really is a good friend to you isn't he Marinette," Tikki squeaks.

"Yeah he is Tikki,"

As she lays down on her bed looking up through the skylight, she has chat's words on repeat. "Let's not say goodbye,"
She likes that idea.

Although she might have broken down on him, somehow tonight was still a good night. She loves spending time with him and now she knows even after there done with Hawkmoth there will still be more of these moments to come, because there not going to say goodbye.

Thank you so much for reading this one shot. It's not the best bit of writing I've done, but then again it's also the very first fanfic I ever wrote. If you want this to become a multiple part fanfic let me know and I'll see what I can do. But as for now this story is complete.

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