Chapter 1 - Rock Bottom

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I boarded the plane with a small backpack containing everything to keep me busy over the four-hour-long journey in a stuffy plane. My mother, Renee was waving goodbye erratically, I waved back and said 'I love you' in sign language which she returned (before being dragged off by a security guard.) I sighed and plugged in my headphones, listening to Drown as I was in the mood. Leaving the heat was going to suck. I love the heat and leaving it for ice, cold, wet Forks might just kill me. Why did I leave? You may be asking, well I left as I as an individual, decided that to learn to survive I NEEDED to start at Rock bottom aka Forks.

I got in Charlie's automobile, as calling it a car when it was a police cruiser would just be fundamentally rude. We drove to the house within which I would soon reside.

"I cleared some shelves for you in the bathroom," he said in a desperate attempt to make conversation.

"Fabulous," I said," is there a garden? I like to build small houses or cottages" I said, although his garden would probably not be big enough, I could at least start a conversation AND let him know something about myself. 

"You do?" He said gobsmacked " Yes there is a garden. It edges into the woods you can build there," he said still wide-mouthed.

"Great," I said happily as we pulled into the drive. It looked smaller than I remembered but that was probably just due to my change in size. I took a long look and absorbed my surroundings. Over the house, I could see some large pine trees which would be great for a glue-like substance. I pulled my bags out of the truck. They weren't too heavy compared to other things I had lifted in the past. I waited for Charlie to open the door. He produced a key and led me in. He showed me to my room and allowed me to unpack, or so he thought. I would unpack later. For now, I just needed to see if the furniture should be re-arranged and the walls re-decorated.

"Bella, come downstairs" Charlie shouted. I saw a rusty red truck in the drive. The Blacks had arrived. I jumped down the stairs and raced to the door, pushing past Charlie. I jumped on Jake.

"Hello Jake"

"Hi, Bella, where is the enthusiasm from?" He questioned

"I missed you," my muffled voice said into his shoulder.

"Missed you too" he replied. I untangled myself from him and went to greet Billy. When the greetings were over, I returned to the house and began to unpack. Once I was done, I set to work on finding something to wear on my first day. I found my favourite black handbag and added a few folders and notebooks along with a pencil case. My make-up was on a desk. I changed into pyjamas and collapsed into my small bed with the rain pattering against my window. Tomorrow would be fun.

A/N: And this is where I leave you, I hope you enjoyed this, I am open to suggestions. I should be updating this regularly. 

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