my life story i guess but way shorter and without major specifics.

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Okay, here we go. I was born in and live in the US. I'm in high school and it's exhausting sometimes. especially English class. I swear, English class is the spawn of the devil. Okay, aside from the Shakespeare portions. Those are actually interesting. Sometimes. I have never been outside the US. I know, it's sad. My absolute favorite place in the world is with my family. I know a lot of teenagers don't like their families, but I'm very close with mine. I have always had animals in my family, whether it be dogs, chickens, or goats. Goats and dogs are actually my favorite animals. I helped raise goats, so that explains that little detail. I have depression and autism so that explains my obsessions with certain things. My counselor refers to it as looping. Okay, fine, I think I started that one, but still. I also have ADHD. You're welcome.

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