Character Profile

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Erik de Alger Obelia (Currently)

 Nikita Minyakov Ivanov (Formerly)

Nickname/Title: Crown Prince of Obelia Empire, Heir to the throne, Crown Prince, Sadist, Sadistic Prince, two-faced prince, little brother, big brother, the crazy twin, womaniser twin, commander, Emperor's shadow,  womaniser prince, playboy, blondie, fox, kitsune prince


Erik has messy golden hair till his nape and cerulean blue eyes which he inherited as a trait of direct descendants of Obelia's royal bloodline. He has a beauty mark under his right eye.


Erik is highly skilled at manipulating people. He can be sadistic and narcissistic as well. He likes flirting with a women who catch his eyes or have connections that he can use for his own gain. He appears very lax and flirtatious but underneath that he's a man who would use any means necessary to get what he wants regardless of the consequences and that makes him unpredictable.

Current Family:

Eibom de Alger Obelia (father) ✝️

Unnamed (Mother) ✝️

Claude de Alger Obelia (younger twin brother)

Anastacius de Alger Obelia (older half-brother)

Diana (sister in law) ✝️

Athanasia de Alger Obelia (niece)

Penelope Judith (sister in law) ✝️

Jennette Margarita (niece)


Erik is very skilled at weaponry and hand to hand combat because of his role as a commander of the royal army l in his previous life. He has a very strategic mind and is always calculating and strategizing his next move. He is very strict with his followers. He is the commander of the royal army of Obelia Empire

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