Chapter 1

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•Ruth's POV•

I waited anxiously to get off the airplane. I was trying to be polite to the woman next to me, but she was taking a hell of a long time grabbing all her bags. Eventually the last few people moved out of the way, finally letting me grab my carry on and jog out of the airplane. As soon as I got my baggage and waited outside, I called Trinity. It rang twice before I heard her voice.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Oh my god Trin I'm in Sydney!" I smiled widely, trying my best not to let out a yawn.
It was 6:47 p.m. in Australia, but back in California, it was 11:48 at night. Yeah, normally I stayed up late but I was completely exhausted.

"I know I'm on my way!" She replied.

Trinity and I had met quite a while ago on the internet. Yeah, I know it sounds sketchy but this was a real friendship. Now that I'm eighteen I can finally meet her. I've traveled all the way from California to Sydney to meet her so we can finally fangirl together in person. See, that was what brought us together. Our fangirliness. We both have an everlasting love for 5 Seconds of Summer. She's a Luke girl and I'm a Calum girl.

"Alright what are you wearing? I can't see through this big ass line of people." She complained through the phone.

"I'm wearing my 5sos sweater." I replied in a "duh" tone.

"I can't find yo- Wait. Is that you?" She stopped in mid sentence and I heard someone yell out my name.

"Ruthie!" I turned around and saw Trinity already running towards me.

I enveloped her in a hug. A few tears were shed by me, but we won't talk about that.

"C'mon let's go. You should get some rest you look tired." She placed her arm around me, smiling sympathetically.

I nodded and did the same.
"So then the lady spills the water all over him and it lands right on his crotch." I laughed, telling Trinity about the memories of the airplane.

"He was so pissed." I giggled. I yawned a little and stared at a random poster.

"You know, Calum Thomas Hood is like, really hot." I said, pointed at Calum.

"You need sleep." Trinity laughed at me, throwing a blanket in my direction.

I actually was tired but I didn't want to admit it. I ended up sleeping for the rest of the day until I woke up in the early hours of the morning. I tried to fall back asleep but the stupid jetlag was getting to me. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my fan account, liking liked a few pictures. I was supposed to post that selfie of Trin and I today but I forgot.


"So Ruthie Boo today we will be having a calm morning with some sight seeing them in the arvo, we shall have some fun in da cluuuuub" Trin nudges me while she pours me some aussie orange juice.

"Wait, but I can't drink?" I look at her confusingly.

"I thought you were eighteen?" She puts the Orange juice back in her fridge.

"I am?" I laugh and take a sip of my drink.

"Aah that's right, the legal drinking age here is 18. So since we're eighteen, I thought that I should wait so we could have our first drink together!" Trinity squeals like the crazy girl I knew on the Internet. Exactly the same girl.

"Oh cool! Honestly, I feel like just staying in bed watching Netflix and stalking 5sos but you don't have Netflix here in Australia yet." I pretend to fake cry remembering the lovely times I would stay in my blanket on the couch and watch The Office or Supernatural.

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