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 Hewwo ^^ this is an Ask blog for Salad, my Simpsons OC. So don't ask ME anything :)

People you can Ask:










-Sideshow Bob/Robert


-Mr. Smithers

-Mr. Burns

-//kids from Springfield Elementary, middle school, High school, and college.//




-No asking inappropriate questions.

-No makeing them do sexual stuff to each other.(it's gross T_T)

-No, I will not add Smutt or Lemons into this Blog.

-No being rude towards me, or the characters.

-No triggering Salads PTSD. (I'll say what it is after the rules.)

-No asking rude Questions.


-Yes, you can Dare them to do things.

-yes, I'll add you or you're Oc in as a guest.

-yes, you can ask some personal questions, but not to personal!

-yes, you can make Fanart :)

-yes, you can Make them kiss oneaother. (Just not makeing-out and stuff. Just little smooches ^^)


What you need to know:

-This is 8 years into the future.

-Salad and Bart are in a relationship.

-Bianca is mute, she can't talk.


-This is based off of my fanfic I'm writing.

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How Salad developed PTSD:

Okie so when she was 15, she and her dad were at the bank. then some robbers showed up to rob the bank. The people where wearing Krusty the Clown masks. One of them Broke her nose with the Back of the shotgun, and shot her dad in the leg. She got her nose fixed. But it was expensive, but they where able to pay it off from the money they got from sueing the robbers. But her dad couldn't work at the power plant no more, this being the second time he has gotten shot. So he works at a computer programming place now. Now, salad has a Maskaphobia. specificity Krusty masks. 


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