Chapter 1

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Dear Sophie,

It's been 3 months since the monsters first invaded. I hope you guys made it out alive... My family made it out alive, barely. We now have taken shelter in Florida, it seems safe here. Plenty of food... a place to sleep... It's nice.

Okay, I just got news- It seems as if you stayed there and still survived. You're a brave one soph, really, I mean it. Well, it seems I gotta go... stay safe Sophie, they're still out there...

Your friend,


Evangeline put her pen down, stared at the paper. She remembered those precious moments before the apocalyptic attack. She could never forget that day...and that of one of her dear friend's fate.

Evangeline and her friends Sophie, Lyra, and Gabe were hanging at the park right next to Lyra's house. They had always hung out there. They would talk about drama and talk about kids in their class, especially Jacob. He was a boy with brown eyes and black hair that wasn't the best company. He would say inappropriate things and do weird things for attention. He was the talk of the class.

"Look! A cat!" said Sophie as she pointed to a small brown cat strolling around the swingset. "Oh! That's my cat, Kk. Here girl!" Lyra called to her. The cat meowed and ran up to her leg, purring softly. She pet it, saying things like "oh you're so cute" and
"Who's a good cat?"

It looked up to her, and something felt wrong.
"Lyra," Evangeline said, " that's not kk... "Are you sure? Looks like KK to me..." She looked down and saw that the cat was completely gone. Lyra gasped, "Where did the cat go?" Suddenly, a creepy growl came from the slide. "What was that?" Gabe said. It was getting dark now, and there was a thunderstorm brewing above them. They all felt uneasy. "Let's Go inside, I'm creeped out..." Gabe said. "Yeah, let's go," Sophie replied. They bolted to Lyra's house, which was about a couple of yards away from the park. They got inside and sat at the kitchen table." I'm calling my mom, I'm going home." said Sophie as she picked up her phone. She went into the other room to call her mom, she came back 2 minutes later " she's not answering, get your dad, Lyra."

"He and my mom went out to eat. And my sister is at a sleepover..." Lyra replied. By this time Evangeline and Gabe had called their parents, but no answer.

" I guess we'll have to stay here until your parents get here, Lyra," said Evangeline looking out the window.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded from outside, and from their phones.

"Attention! Take cover, lock your doors and windows. There are reports of dangerous alien-like creatures near the address XXXX XXX XX. If you are near that area, evacuate as soon as possible."

Their faces turned pale.

"Guys," said Evangeline in a shaky voice," We better hide."

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