The Dream

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Dreams. What are they? Are they real? Ofcourse not! But you may get your love of your life. Like Kaz.

Kaz, a young boy, doing his normal activities as always.

He was walking along the corridor thinking about what to do until he saw Catherine. Alone and none to talk to. The most beautiful girl he knew also his friend.  He approached her. Since they know each other, they chatted. They talked about life and love as Kaz was about to ask something she said she had to leave so they called it a day.

Deep inside they knew they can get along so day and night they chat through Social Media devices. She starts, he responds.

Then few days later. He got curious on who she likes, then she wouldn't budge but he did. He told her he liked her but shes still didn't budge but somewhat they became even closer.... but was it true? Maybe. Maybe not? It was too good to be true so it felt like a dream....

He decided to go try get her heart but it was hard due to the fact that her past boyfriend is his Best friend. It was hard for both of them until something happened....

After few days. Something shocking happened, She told him "I love you." He said "Are you kidding? Is this a dream?" She responded "No. I really like you. Actually No. I Love You." The whole day 1 sentence, 3 words and 8 letters went through his mind which is "I love you" He really didn't expect to hear that after that it was Summer. Time of relaxation. They saw each other. She went near. And said. I Hate you. HOW COULD THIS BE?!?! He woke up from his Dream and he said THIS IS NO DREAM IT IS A NIGHTMARE. He doesn't what will happen between he and she. It was like a Water drop at the tip of the leaf. Not sure if it will fall or stay.

Love can be Soft and warm as Baymax but can be Sharp and deadly like a Sword...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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