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My eyes fluttered open,

They met with a colorful and random room.

Many flashes of pink, blue, yellow and some orange ..

It make my head spin and my eyes hurt

In a good way.

The bright colors took over my vision and soon all I saw was the bright colors

Even when I looked at myself.

I could hear faint chattering from an unknown space.

I felt like I needed to move, tried, couldn't.

My arms and legs were locked with a large handcuff like rope.

I moved around violently and shook and rattled.

I let out a ear piercing screech

Exhaling, I rapidly looked around the room.

"We are real" "life matters" "NO HATE NO HATE"

Were words that cluttered every part and space of the wall.

It was nice to look at.

Though, I was getting bored of the silence..

I hummed an unknown melody, it sounded nice.

Smiling, I felt my eyes twitch and jitter.

I kept a bright smile on my face while I turned and searched for atleast one other form of life..

"Mr Jones.."

I picked up my head high and looked around the corners of the wall, that's where I heard it.

I quickly spotted a speaker, tilting my head, it sent horrible feedback

It screeched and sent pain up my ears,

I yelled before I coughed and blood spilt from my mouth,

Continuing to yell as the feedback became louder.


A kid-like voice chanted in a whisper.

The screeching came to a stop, along with the voices..

My ears rung and my vision became blurry

I blinked quickly, making it feel worse but get better.

"We see you have been having ..."

The voice stopped, chills came up my spine..

"Problems.. we, the S.O.S, are here to help."

The voice hummed out of focus,

Though I could not see him, nor hear him well..

I hated his guts..

Drool dripped from my lips and I didn't care.

After a few seconds in silence,

A cartoon melody began to play..

It made me feel happy..

I danced along to it!


I smiled a happy smile!

It was a controlled happiness..?...

A smile covered my face, but tears made their way down my cheek,

Feeling confused, more tears followed

My eyes began to sting ..

I cried out in pain, but only the melody could be heard

My breath hurried and I could feel my heart speed up..

All of it stopped.

I took my last looks around before it all became an inky black..


Short chapter •_•

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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