Is that good?

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The Sun did not intend to be harsh on Minu as she led her way out of the only door of her 200 sq ft room cum house. Her Dadi who is in her early 50's was already starting a small fire by the side of the road that they called their yard kneading enough dough to make chapati for the family of 7. Minu's younger sister play helping beside her.
Her beloved mother was in their make-shift bed breastfeeding the new members of the family, never did they believe they will be blessed with twins, of course partially the joy was of the fact that they were baby boys. This not to say the two elder girls were not loved, they were just simply.....not enough.
Minu took her bag off the cracked wall where she has pressed against after carefully folding to fit right into the crack. As she pulled it out the wall seems to sigh a breathe of relief coughing out old dry cement as she shaked the bag to regain its shape.
This was her morning routine. She picked up her pace knowing she needed to get there on time. Her feet a little sore from the hard sole of her mismatched sandals she didn't seem to mind. Her eyes squinting from the morning Sun that razored straight into her eyes. Upon nearing the destination she ran.
A new set of gold and silver was deposited by the large green trucks heading from the city. She doesn't mind the smell. Her cheerful mind had grown accustomed to it. In fact her olfactory senses helps her track where not to step and where to place her foot next. This day was a special one because its Monday morning. Sunday on the other hand isn't so exciting, the trunks do not bring dry on Sunday. On Monday however, all the dry from Sunday and Saturday are packed in one morning. Hence you know why she was running.
She met a few of her friends as she was mining along. She hurriedly picked the recyclable into her bag. Her hands picking faster than the rumble in her stomach. She was happy her bag was almost full. She moved her feet as she keep picking. Then from the corner of her eye she saw a polythene bag filled with blue colored 'something'. She picked it up and open to see it- and Wala! They were mask. Her family could never afford one and the only time she saw it upclosed was when some "influencer" came to take videos of her house and that of her neighbours.
Her father has been using an old handkerchief to cover up and go to work. These days he has been returning home most of the time empty handed after getting beaten by the Police for not following 'Protocols'.
She was beyond thrilled she found a bundled of it, she definitely found diamonds among gold and silver. She carefully untangled and took out one and put in on. She giggled and signal her friend who was also wearing the same. She did a little pose and asked looking at her friend, "Do I look good?"

This story is just a fiction created based on the lifes of children picking rags to support their family. Bringing the socio-cultural and societal views on gender. It is also an urge requesting everyone to cut and pull the strings off disposable mask when disposing them.
Many do not know what the mask is for and if you are fortunate to be reading this you definitely can help to help them

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