Chapter One

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I walked into the doctors office for my monthly checkup. This isnt how a 15-year-old girl should be living. You know what? It isnt normal. Im classed as the only person living with this disease. Its barely a disease, its just a really bad disorder.

They told me everything was the same. I walked out and moaned. "I hate going there.". My mum squinted her eyes. Typical asian parents. "No no no, you have to go, for your own good."

I sighed, as we was in the car. Oh great, i cant be arsed going home. Now get annoyed by my 5 siblings. Yes FIVE. 2 sisters, and 3 brothers.

The werid thing is, my parents had my older brother Tyler, everything was normal, but hes got diabetes. He acts older than me and teases me, but hes only a year older.

Then the twins, Girls. Sakiya and Summer. 11 years old. Everything normal with them. Not fair.

Then, more twins. Cody and Callum. They're 6. Cody has behaviour problems, so they think he could have the disorder i have, but its really rare. It could be genetic.

I dont understand... Hate overthinking. I ran to my room and stayed there all night.

I woke up for school and put my uniform on. I couldnt care about getting in trouble. I put on my black green and blue Nike Huaraches, and my blue Nike jacket.

Tyler, Sakiya and Summer do the same, we wear our uniform, but not the right shoes. My mum and dad dont care.

Why did we have to move to England. I dont see what the problem was with HK. I slipped on my Michael Kors watch and waited for my mum to drive us to school.
I walked to my first lesson with Kaily, Alex and Frankie. All Frankie would talk about is this guy she likes, Matthew.

"Matthew and I was texting all night. Hes so cute!" she squealed.

"Frankie. Shut up! I dont care about your stupis friend with benefits or whoever he is!" I blurted out.

She went bright red. I felt really bad, and she walked away. "Wow, I never knew you would flip like that. Anyway someone had to that, Im sick of hearing this Michael, errr I mean Matthew." Kaily said.
I got home from school. Friday yes! Friday feeling. I ran to my room, and dropped my MK bag. I went to my waldrobe and picked out a hollister t shirt and cut out black jeans. I put them on and put on my orange, pink and black Airmax 2015's.

I walked through Sakyia and Summer's room to go to the bathroom. Sakyia wasnt there, but Summer was. Sniffling.

"Summer?" I whispered. "Whats wrong?"

She shivered. "Err nothing, just a cold." she sniffled again. I walked out of her room, forgeting to go to the bathroom and walked out the house, where my friends were waiting for me...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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