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normal day at the village of Kairo, a family is living in their house, a mother with long dark green hair, a father with Sky blue hair, a girl with lime green hair, and a baby with dark blue hair and finally the eldest child being 11 years old with messy dark green hair

"Are you sure we'll be safe here"said the girl "Of course we'll be safe, everyone here in this village are natural born war veterans that deal with the threat of dragons all the time."said the mother

"Hey mom I'm finished with my dinner, can I go over to Kiore's House"said Y/N

"Of course"said the Mother right before she gave him a glare that said don't be out too late
"Alright Mom, see ya later"said Y/N

A few hours later

"Hey Kiore, do you really think that we're safe here, the blood of our ancestors are like Pizza to dragons"said Y/N as he looked at his best friend "You always find a way to put food into whatever you say"said Kiore a girl with brown hair and red eyes

"Well just in case that happens, I'll be here to protect you, and everyone else here"said Y/N
"Thanks that's really sweet of you"said Kiore while blushing and also making Y/N blush


"What was that?!"said Y/N

The two hear a devastating roar

"It can't be"Kiore said

"It's the dragons! I've got to go to my family!"Y/N said

"Me too! Be safe"Kiore said before she ran off

"You too"Y/N said before he also ran off

"Please don't be dead, Please don't be dead, Please don't be dead"Y/N said as he quickly ran all the way home to see his parents motionless on the floor with fire surrounding his house

"No"Y/N said as he fell to his knees

"RAAAAHHH!!!"A roar of a dragon can be heard

"Wait, where's Mien and Seis?"Y/N said as he looked around for his sister and brother but he soon heard another roar and saw a dragon heading straight for him, he ran for his life but he didn't get far before he was whacked by the tail and was sent flying through trees

He could feel himself slowly losing consciousness and his vision was going blurry

"Aw Man"Y/N could feel that the dragon was looming over him getting ready to kill him

But before that something big attacked the dragon that was over him he hears the dragon cry out in pain and by the time the dragon went silent Y/N was already unconscious

A few hours later

"W-What happened? I'm alive"Y/N said as he woke up in a spacious cave

"You are alive young one"A loud echoing voice said

"W-Who is that? Where are you?"Y/N said before he heard big and loud footsteps coming towards him and it revealed a giant dragon the color of the dirt itself

"Ah! Dragon! Please don't kill me!"Y/N said

"I'm not going to kill you"The Dragon said

"Y-You're not?"Y/N asked

"Of course not, I'm the one who saved you"The Dragon said

"What's your name?"Y/N asked the giant dragon

"I am the legendary EARTH DRAGON KING GORIAN!!!!"The Dragon now known as Gorian said with pride

"Ok, but why did you save me?"Y/N asked

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