Part 1

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"Good morning Tikki!" Marinette said with a yawn. "Marinette, you actually woke up in time!"  Tikki said with a giggle. As Marinette got ready for the day she received a phone call from Alya. "Marinette, your phone is ringing!" Tikki said while munching on a cookie. "Comin-AHHH" Marinette had tripped over a pile of clothes on her floor and face planted. BEEP "Hey Alya, what's up?" Marinette said while collecting herself and picking up the phone. "Hey girl" Alya hesitated "I have something important to tell you but I can't right now, my sisters are driving me crazy. I'll tell you at school ok?" Alya said "Uh, ok!" "Love ya Mari, bye!" Alya hung up. "Well that was weird." Marinette said kinda nervously. "She sounded kind of worried." "Don't think to much of it Marinette, you have to leave for school or you'll be late!" Tikki said with a smile. "Your right!" Marinette said. She grabbed her things, shoved them into her back pack and raced down the stairs. "Bye mom, bye dad!I'm off to school." "Marinette you need breakfast." She said as she handed her daughter a croissant. "Thanks mom, bye!" She waved goodbye to her parents.

A little bit later

When Marinette got to class she ran up to Alya. "Hey! What were you going to tell me?" Marinette asked Alya. Alya looked nervous and said "Ok, you're not going to take this well but..." she paused "Just tell me please!" Marinette said with a worrisome look on her face. Alya took a deap breath and said "Adrien and Kagami started dating." Those words played over in her head as they started to sink in. Alya kept talking to her but Marinette couldn't hear her over her heart shattering into hundreds of pieces.
"W-when did you f-find out." Marinette said as her voice quivered. "Just last night while I was texting with Nino. Adrien just told him then." Alya sighed.


Just then the school bell rand and they went inside to class. Marinette took her regular seat in the seccond row. Adrien walked in the class and waved to her. "Hey Marinette!" He said with a smile. "Hi." She mumbled. "Are you alright?" He said with a confused look in his face. "Yeah, yeah I'm f-fine, just tiered I-I guess." She said still stuttering as she talked to him. "O-ok..." he said with a smile. Class started but all of it was a bit of a blur to Marinette.


"That's the bell everyone! Go enjoy your lunch." Said Ms bustier. "Marinette, Marinette!" "What? Oh ya hey." Marinette said as she snapped out of her daze. "Girl I've been calling you for the last minute! Alya said with a laugh. "Wanna go have lunch in the park with Nino and I?" "No, I'm okay, thanks though." Marinette walked out with her head down as Nino and Adrian finished up their conversation. "What's up with Marinette? Is she alright?" Adrien asked. "Uh-well ya, I mean no Uh" Nino said as he glanced at Alya and she shot him a glare. "Uh, you should go talk to her dude." Nino finally spat out. After Adrian left to go find Marinette, Nino shrugged and gave Alya a thumbs up with a worried smile. Alya rolled her eyes but let out a little laugh.


Thanks for reading my first chapter! I'm really excited to keep writing this story! Let me know your thoughts on my story so far. Hope you enjoyed, see you soon! 😊

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