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You woke up to some shuffling from the cat. You roll over and see your boyfriend in deep sleep. It's rare when you do see him so peaceful. Bucky is either in his own head or trying to save the world. He's been doing better lately. You reach over and brush his hair out of his face and just admire his long wispy lashes gently placed. You can't help but feel annoyed that his lashes look better than yours. How on Earth can a man so beautiful exist in YOUR lifetime. Being in constant awe of a man is a full-time job. You can never have your fill. He's yours but you can't believe it. You have gone over and over why and you have no answer. How did you get so lucky?
"Dangerous questions" is what he calls them. You both seem to have the same thoughts about each other.

You happen to be up before him. This never happens. He's always up doing something on the house. He's always caring for you or the house. You decide to get out of bed without waking him. This man can hear everything so you attempt to slide out of bed. Avoiding any sudden movements or any creaking of the floor. You touch your bare feet on the cold floor. You wince and look back hoping the noise you made wasn't enough to wake him. It feels as if it took you 30 minutes to leave the room. Tiptoeing has to be some kind of sport. Whose idea was it to live in an old house in the middle of the woods? Buckys. Of course. Original and beautiful but the oh so creaky wood flooring is what sold you. Bucky argues that you picked the house and he just happened to like it too.

You hate wandering around the house alone. You made it down into the kitchen. It doesn't feel like home without him. Even though Bucky is right upstairs. It feels cold and lonely in the room. You love the gloomy weather, you love the old house, you love the woods but since he came into your life you can't seem to enjoy the little things without him. He may look intimidating to others but the moment you see him he makes you feel so warm. You see his sweatshirt on the couch and throw it on. Before poking your head through you stand in the darkness taking in the gentle scent of him left behind.

You need to get him up, but not by nudging him awake, not by making noise. Coffee! The smell of coffee is something both of you dream of. You set the coffee up and watch it as it begins to drip. The lovely smell begins to fill the room. You look up above you as if you have the ability to see through walls.

"How I wish I was Vision right now"

Just floating through walls without a sound. You hear your super-soldier roll around in bed. You can't help but smile. You pour the coffee into two cups and head upstairs.

You get to the door and push it open with your foot. Alpine sneaks on by meowing at you as if to say "The coffee worked"

He's still laying down. He looks over at you with a big goofy smile and oh that bed head. All you wanna do is kiss him to pieces.

With a big smile on his face, "You beat me doll," His morning voice makes your knees buckle.

"It's not a game James." as you gesture the fact that you have coffee cups.

He slightly sits up and grabs both cups and looks inside. He hands you back his cup and keeps yours.

You purse your lips. "Really?"

As he takes a sip he hums "mmmhm."

Both of his lovely blue eyes on you "My cup has more, you know you need it. You're never up this early."

You roll your eyes as he smiles. He pats the bed to gesture to you to climb on in. You set your coffee down on the bedside table and curl up next to him. You feel the warmth of his body radiate around you. His chest pressed up against your cheek. The coffee can wait. Laying in the position beats the cup of coffee.

"You make the best cups of coffee Y/N" he groans as he reaches to set his empty cup down.

"I don't make it any different than you do," you say as you adjust to look at him.

He bites his lip and looks down at you. "Everything you do for me is better. Just trust me"

You sit up and grab your coffee, he places his hand on the small of your back and it sends shockwave all through your body. It's your favorite. You never tell him this but somehow he knows.

"More coffee Buck?" You turn to him.

"Yeah, I'll take some more."

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