Part 3 & 4

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Part 3

Amma don't kill me....Amma don't kill me.....Khushi looked around at the source of voice to locate anyone.....frantically looking around she heard soft baby giggle which soon turned out into loud cry, tearing her killed me killed me.....why you killed me?.....Khushi closing her ears not able to take the voice woke up shouting.......

Looking around with wild eyes she started crying, Arnav too had woke up hearing her scream and hugged her....Khushi 'I killed my baby...killed my baby...'

Arnav hugged her tight, rubbing her back 'hush Khushi....shhhh don't think this are not at fault....please....'

Rocking her in his arms he patted her back to sleep consoling her telling soothing words in her ear. Making her sleep he watched her with unfathomable pain.

Few days later, Arnav sat beside Khushi taking her hand in his caressing them.....Khushi sat still not acknowledging pained him lot to see her like this....always they had felt each other but today and from past few days she is deep buried somewhere in the dark abys where he is not able to get through her.

Arnav 'Khushi!!! What are you doing?'

Khushi looked back at him, her eyes all blank then looked up at the starry sky in the night.....Khushi 'don't know'

Arnav swallowed, how to bring her back?......Khushi 'can....I...can I ask you something?'

Arnav nodded at her.....Khushi 'please let me go'

His breathe stopped listening to her words....No he could not afford that....he cannot let her will he live without her.....he cupped her face, turning her to himself fully.....his eyes desperately searching her which is all distant and blank, no emotions....his voice hoarse, choked with emotions 'why? Please no....I cannot live without you.....please Khushi....give me any punishment....hit me, slap me, punch me,kill me but never let go of me.....I need you....please....I need you'

Khushi 'why now? There is nothing left.....I'm destroyed....and I don't want to live....'

Arnav cut her in, cradling her face 'No...No....please.....I'll die if you leave me......please no.....*trying to reach her*....please I beg you.....don't leave me....don' will be better if you kill me with your own hand rather than leaving me'

A small gasp left her, her eyes wide.....Arnav hugged her, keeping her head on his chest 'did you hear that?....that is my heart.....My Heart which beats for you....Only You.....always have and always will......and if you will go away it will stop beating......I know I have no forgiveness for what I did to you, to the girl I love.....but please I'm selfish enough to not leave you....I just can't live without you.....Arnav will cease to exit if Khushi is not in his life' they sat in silence.....Khushi listening to his heart beat......few minutes later Arnav looked down to see Khushi has fallen asleep.....lifting her he took her inside their room, lieing her down on the bed he covered her with blanket.....looked at her face for long time before kissing her forehead 'My Love'

It had been more than one month to that fateful day; Khushi had shut herself more into her shell not allowing anyone to peek in. Her guiltiness of killing her baby making her lose her sane of mind most of the time, she did not look at anyone, did not mingle with anyone; month before they all, her and his family abandoned her for the mistake of not hers and now she abandoned everyone.

Arnav felt loss of not knowing what to do to bring her back. He is cursing every minute of his life for hurting an innocent soul.

Khushi had not even looked at his Di's daughter of one week, she refused bluntly to see any of them and Arnav could never force her for something she is not willing to. He had at least managed to stop Khushi leaving him after six months again tying knot with her in the presence of DeviMaya and their family. No one knew the reason for their second marriage and is consoled with the explanation given by Arnav saying he wants to re-marry Khushi since he did wrong in eloping and taking her dreams away along with crushing all family members to see their marriage happen in front of their eyes.

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