Izuku Information!

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Name: Izuku Han or Izuku Yoo

Alias: The King of Humans, Sage of the East, Jade Emperor, King of Nox, Member of the six

Classification: Demi God, Martial Artist, Power Borrower, Swordsmanship.

Threat Level: Tiger +||Demon -|| Dragon || Nova- || Nova-, likely higher.

Age: 16 || 20+ (Post time-skip) 


Izuku having had lost both his parents at the age of 14 made him quite distant and a loner who prefer to be alone which made him socially awkward when it comes to talking with others and he believes that getting close to people would only hurt him in the near future if they were to ever get killed.

Izuku disliked the orphanage and ran away as soon as possible not wanting to get adopted preferring to be independent and to keep his parents memory alive. Izuku also cursed a lot and has a sense of humor which sometimes can be dark.

He then join UA for the purpose of becoming a hero so he can one day chase the one who killed his parents and end them through legal means but despite all of this Izuku is quite hardworking and take things seriously making him Aizawa favorite students, he also share his father determination. 

Izuku is also quick to admit to his mistakes. While caring and loyal to his friends, Izuku is shown to be distrusting and suspicious of any and all strangers, being highly defensive but polite all the same. Just like his mother he had high level of intelligence, testified with the fact that he is smart enough to be Nezu favorite student. 

Over times Izuku became more calm and laid-back. However, insulting his friends will set off his temper. He is deeply protective of his friends, willing to go to extreme lengths for them, even if it means putting his own life on the line.

Izuku will also develop a leadership personality as once he recruit his new army that is willing to lay there life's for him he will make sure that he and his trusted friend along with his army defeat there enemy. 

Appearance: Izuku is considered to be tall, lazy looking young man, with a muscular build, spiky white hair, and light brown eyes. When angered or serious, his face becomes noticeably sharper.

 When angered or serious, his face becomes noticeably sharper

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Father: Han Daewi (Deceased)

Father: Han Daewi (Deceased)

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Izuku Midoriya: Jade EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now